It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

I don't think that's the suggestion. It's that clubs (and obviously he means City and Chelsea) are not using their Academies with the primary aim of finding new squad players. They're creaming off many more of the top young players with little intention of playing them. They are mostly being recruited to be sold for a profit.

You're right - It does reek of being a problem "because City are doing it", but I don't think it's a case of "everyone else", as it's something that only a few wealthy clubs can do. I said in a follow up post, that it's not exactly ideal for football, that we, as a wealthy club, are selling to mid/lower table clubs players that often started their careers at mid/lower table Academies. The league would be more completive if that talent was spread around amongst the clubs who would play Academy players, and if a sale took place, the money would flow from the wealthier to the less wealthy clubs.

Have a look at the Academy/CFG list posted in a thread earlier - plenty of players there who came to City aged 13-16 from other PL/Championship clubs, or other mid-sized European clubs.

It's what we needed to do to compete with the 'istory clubs who fucked up the system in the first place, but the point is valid that it's not great for football in the long run.
The alternative view is that City (and others) take the best talent they can find, develop them with the best coaches they can get, provide them with a private education which will be critical for the many who don't make it at all and create many, many players who are able to play at professional levels around Europe. Considering the odds of any kid making it, they're clearly doing something right. If those kids had stayed at the other clubs, we've no idea whether they would have made it or not.

There should perhaps be better compensation for smaller clubs, maybe an agreed percentage based on age when a player is taken and how long the other club had trained them, but there are lots of inequalties in football that no one seems to care about. Personally, I wish they'd ban academies for say under 14s across Europe. If the clubs then wanted to be able to find decent players, they'd need to spend more time sending coaches to schools or amateur clubs where all the kids would benefit from better coaching and facilities and it would avoid shattering the dreams of lots of kids (and parents) when a kid is taken to an academy at 6 and then released at 12 or whenever.
Seen it happen a few times at other clubs, I think. Everyone keeps their options open.
Ducker reporting on McAtee's interest in getting minutes elsewhere. That, Palmer going and Phillips possibly going on loan leaves spaces in the squad. If we aren't interested in replacements, as per Bajikowski, Bobb will be getting some decent minutes. Talented player so hopefully he has no trouble stepping up.
Ducker reporting on McAtee's interest in getting minutes elsewhere. That, Palmer going and Phillips possibly going on loan leaves spaces in the squad. If we aren't interested in replacements, as per Bajikowski, Bobb will be getting some decent minutes. Talented player so hopefully he has no trouble stepping up.
Mcatee enjoyed his time at Sheffield United last season and is his preferred option.

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