It's Quiet thread 14 - 'do one' edition

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How is it not over? He won’t go to court, they won’t negotiate a sale. Neither side is going to budge?

There's 2 ways to win.

1) Go to court.

2) Get Bartomeu to find his conscience and honour the arrangment.

What Messi has done in the interview IMO is 4 things.

- He's made it crystal clear that he wasn't fucking about, he wants to leave. It wasn't politics, it wasn't contract negotiations, he doesn't want to be a Barcelona player any more. That's a big wakeup call for the fans who were in denial.

- He's made it apparent that he will destroy Bartomeu and the board (and possibly his teammates and coaches) in the press if someone puts a microphone in front of him. The interview is savage, he absolutely trashes him not just as a president but as a person.

- He's put it on record that he told the club a year ago he wanted to leave and multiple times throughout the season and had conversations with Bartomeu about it.

- He's made every Barcelona fan know he's devastated about it and won't be happy at Barcelona. "I wanted to go because I thought about living my last years of football happily. Lately I have not found happiness within the club.”

In my opinion this interview advances both exit options 1 & 2.

He's said he desperately doesn't want to go to court, but if for any reason he did now (like if he said in a few weeks of bad preparation for the season and dealing with Bartomeu he just couldn't bear another year of this shit), the fact Bartomeu knew he intended to use the clause to leave 12 months early and he informed them verbally is very important.

I would go so far as to say if the fans get behind him it would give him an excuse to take them to court with the socio's blessing, and not be the bad guy.

And I'd say he's just got millions of Barcelona fans on side and against Bartomeu in the hopes of advancing (2), not to mention showing Bartomeu this isn't going to be any kind of victory, he's not kept Messi, he's unleashing a very pissed off, politically motivated Messi.

It also gives Bartomeu an exit. He's made the big emotional plea (accompanied by the threat of making his life very difficult) so if the fans get onside Bartomeu can accept a €100m bid and spin it into doing the right thing.
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...maybe this is all part of the plan.
We bid, they accept, badda-bing, badda-bong, betty boo.
On further reflection I think this interview is designed to engineer a bid.

He's said he wants to go. He's said he wont go to war with the club he loves. He's shown no aggression or confrontation. He's been "nice". He's made the world feel for him.

As of today, theres been no bid, no tangible suitor. No one officially wanting him.

A bid goes in now and it changes the dynamic.

The pressure on Barca would be off the scale.

That may have been the plan all along. Best case scenario - try and get him on a free first and foremost. If that fails then put a bid in. I could be wrong of course and maybe the club felt it was only ever viable if we got him on a free but let’s wait and see.
What's with the anger against Messi? He's done everything he could. If Barca sues him and win the case in court, it will be City paying the fine. Maybe we (and his lawyers) have advised him to stay to avoid a court case.
Except he and his team told us that he had two clauses. The first one maybe hinged on the June 10th expiry date but even today his dad says that from now there is no release clause. If that's true then no way he or us get stung for 700m.
Can we get Koulibaly done now and maybe a LB, i dont want to have a heart attack every time our defence is under attack next season.
Can’t see this happening, de laurentis slagging us off saying we’re still sulking over the Jorginho deal
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