It's Quiet Thread 15 - Txiki Blinders

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If your not fit you cant play simples.
100% true and I agree with you here. Fitness should, and likely is, taken into account by clubs that are worth their salt.

A player can be a tackling machine or able to score goals at will but if they are only available 25% of the time they aren't as valuable as someone who is available 80-90% of the time.
Technically yes, infrastructure isn't included in FFP. However, the bigger picture is that the power brokers in Europe have a massive issue with the CFG and I'm under no illusions, had the owners put 650 million in from their own pockets to build a stadium in NYC, and build more CFG clubs across the world, the governing bodies would find a way to get involved.
Agree and…… I’ve written on here before that Tebag and his cronies will find some way to try to reshape the rules covering the multi club Group model. Probably along with a new set of rules that hamstrings City from getting benefit from the new Arena venue.
I bet there are a fair number of calls between the executive members of the ’ old elite’ following this announcement. Shame the Sheik is getting bored and buggering off isn’t it?????
Not only teenage girls either, there was a 'classy' 30/40 year old woman at the England game with a "Mrs Grealish" England shirt with the number 69 on it. Can you imagine being her kids and going back to school :(
To be fair, and this is only a guess, she has probably done similar or worse before. Her kids are likely used to it.
Agree and…… I’ve written on here before that Tebag and his cronies will find some way to try to reshape the rules covering the multi club Group model. Probably along with a new set of rules that hamstrings City from getting benefit from the new Arena venue.
I bet there are a fair number of calls between the executive members of the ’ old elite’ following this announcement. Shame the Sheik is getting bored and buggering off isn’t it?????

Could do with Sheikh Mansour getting bored of dicks like Tebas and rags and the UK media and just buying Haaland for us.
Technically yes, infrastructure isn't included in FFP. However, the bigger picture is that the power brokers in Europe have a massive issue with the CFG and I'm under no illusions, had the owners put 650 million in from their own pockets to build a stadium in NYC, and build more CFG clubs across the world, the governing bodies would find a way to get involved.
So let say revenue generated from live concerts /events doesn’t count towards ffp coz infrastructure is not included?
iirc the rags had 10 other players helping out on the pitch whenever Persia was doing his thing (he made a difference but in a scenario where there wasn’t need for much difference to tip the balance.
And the facts remain that Haaland and his circus are unproven in the PL, many super-duper prodigies ultimately settle to a level below widespread expectation, sink without trace or sustain injuries that cut short or niggle throughout their careers, and there’s a new up and coming ‘must sign’ football messiah appearing every year to over-excite those who haven’t learned from long experience.

All this certainty that ‘whoever gets Haaland will win everything forever’ is exaggeration on a pantomime dame level.
If those really in the know, the true experts employed by the big clubs, thought that the Haaland circus would reliably bring glory then they’d have already torn up their wage structure and happily stumped up the ridiculous purchase fee, whacky wages, agents pound of flesh & Dad’s £multi-million bung.

The fact that he’s not been snapped up is absolute proof that his asking price and add-ons exceed his market value.

Anyone who watches football with a knowing eye can easily see that Haaland is a major talent. A think the team he moves to next will have acquired a huge asset. We can't at this stage be certain what path his career will follow but all indications point towards it been a very successful one. If he came to us I believe it would most likely secure our continued success for the immediate future. I can say with certainty the fee to secure his services will be in line with historic peaks. I for one would be very concerned should he end up with the rags or rent boys.
I think the loan helps in solidifying the value of the CFG which will be important to the owners.

I believe that the terms are over 7 years so they'll be paying back a big chunk each year.

We have a good relationship to Barclays going back to our owner bailout?

I also think they advanced us TV money in recent years, merely for cash flow purposes?
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We have a good relationship to Barclays going back to our owner bailout?

I also think they advanced us TV money is recent years, merely for cash flow purposes?

Yes, that's a normal cash flow practice across the PL. Although our current cash reserves will suggest we don't need to worry about doing that moving forward!
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