It's Sn(eye)der not Scchhneider


Well-Known Member
6 Sep 2004
The Temples of Syrinx
A few months ago I heard Wesley Sneider interviewed and he remarked about the pronounciation of his surname and commented that he was Dutch and not German and that it wasn't Schhhneider. Why oh why can't a single solitary fucking so called tv football expert, commentator or ex-pro footballer come pundit get it fucking right. I mean Seedorf is sat there prounouncing it Sneider whilst the other three numb fuckwits sat next to him persist in there fake German tongue.
Blue2112 said:
A few months ago I heard Wesley Sneider interviewed and he remarked about the pronounciation of his surname and commented that he was Dutch and not German and that it wasn't Schhhneider. Why oh why can't a single solitary fucking so called tv football expert, commentator or ex-pro footballer come pundit get it fucking right. I mean Seedorf is sat there prounouncing it Sneider whilst the other three numb fuckwits sat next to him persist in there fake German tongue.

I know; it annoys the hell out of me too.

Most of these knobs seem to go out of their way to pronounce the names of scum players correctly, wherever they are from, yet anyone else has to put up with all sorts of mispronunciations.
I think "YaYa" is probably the most annoying of frequently mistyped names on this forum. Why on earth would it require two capital Y's?!

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