It's Sn(eye)der not Scchhneider

Dasilva is easily the most annoying. It's a blatent invention of letters rather than an error in pronunciation.

Imagine if we just invented two letters for every players surname?

"City are still alive here........Balocrelli..............Agueroooooooooooooooooooooomp"

It just doesn't happen, so why dasilva?

Closely followed in its annoyance by Drogbarrrrrrr.
drogbar (merson & motson are 2 culprits)
krankyar (phil thompson among others)
boss swinger (even lampard got that wrong on camera at least once)
ono hoo haha (too many to mention)
shesny or chesny (lots of those who can't manage szczesny)
Pride_In_Battle said:
Jonathan Pearce pissed me off last night pronouncing Klose as though it had an umlaut. It's pronounced like 'closer' not 'clerser' you dumb shit!

My fucking god that was annoying.
Needs to get back to robot wars.
The various pronunciations of Blaszczykowski have been annoying this tournament, it's much easier than it looks, it's definitely not Blah-chich-chich-ov-ski. Hansen referred to him simply as Kuba. I just get pissed off that these pundits and commentators get paid shit loads for doing a job that many of us would kill for and can't be arsed to do their research. It would take them 10 minutes before a game to google the pronunciations of the players they're commentating on.
Goo said:
I think "YaYa" is probably the most annoying of frequently mistyped names on this forum. Why on earth would it require two capital Y's?!
And why do people call him Yah Yah like some posh fucker agreeing with someone. It's Yaya, like Kaka and Mama and Papa; not like 'I live FAR FAR away'
mark bright was continually referring to 'korluka' in the italy v croatia game despite the main commentator continually pronouncing it correctly.

mind you, city's stadium announcer called hiim 'korluka' every time he read out the team sheet with corluka's name on it.
This seriously annoys the hell out of me!!

If it was a daily conversation between an average joe, then fine. .but when commentators get it wrong it is just a joke. Surely a part of there JOB is to pronounce the name correctly, when millions of people are tuning in, listening. It is pure laziness, because it is so easily researched!

The Latest one is Casillas, pronouncing it as CASS I ASS. Come on, how long has he been about now, sort it out.

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