It's started already.......

Blue Mooner

Well-Known Member
25 Jun 2005
Carrying on from the farcical decisions in favour of the rags from last season we can already see that the officials have already started with the decisions designed to give the rags their usual helping hand

Lets take the penalty against the saints to potentially give them the lead
Penalty against Wigan to potentially give them the lead after 5 minutes
The non sending off of Welbeck against Wigan which by common consensus was a sending off
Penalty against Galatasary
And today, Shelvey getting sent off when if it was a sending off for him it was blatantly a sending off for Evans and then to top it all off the ref awards the rags the winner with yet ANOTHER penalty which was as soft as they come. You really couldn't make this sh*t up!

Oh and of course this follows hot on the heels of the traditional p#ss easy rags champions league group.

Add in the fact we will also have to play the rags straight after what will no doubt be a crunch champions league game for the first derby and the biased nature of the game is laid bare It beggars belief it really, really does.

Frankly, it so customary that I have come to accept that this is part and parcel of the game, that the rags will always get preferential treatment. We overcame it last season and we can do it again but it doesn't stop me being p©ssed off.
Watch out, a couple of well known pricks will be getting alerted on their "agenda" phones
At least we shouldn't get too much moaning from Fergie and his players whilst things are going their way !
Did you not know that football is about as spontaneously real as WWE wrestling? Managers meet with the ref before the game and go through the script that Sky and the FA have written and they to and do their team talks to go about performing that script on the pitch.
It's even more obvious so far this season than usual, it's unbelievable what they are getting.
Liverpool didn't help themselves when Agger lost possesion in midfield. We have to start playing well ourselves first.

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