Ivanovic punch........

Half Pint said:
The media have set out to destroy Balotelli/ City so everything he does and sometimes hasn't even done are plastered all over the front and back pages, but certain teams' players and their behavior is just brushed over. On Sunday after about 5-10 mins Rooney made a tackle from behind with both feet off the floor - the ref saw it as he gave a free kick but didn't even reprimand him. The tackle was worse than both the ones Ballotelli was carded for. Against Liverpool Ballotelli was sent off after 2 yellows neither of which were for violent play yet you'd have thought he'd Kung foo kicked an opponent - oh no that was Skirtel against Samaras a few seasons back when he didn't even get a speaking to. I reckon the problem with Ballotelli is he has no idea how to tackle - but every time he does it ends up in a free kick or a card. As for the alleged stamp on Scotty. He had stood on his hand and Scotty squealed and as he lifted his foot Modric pushed him on the left side turning him slightly which over balanced him and his foot went backwards. At no time did he look down, I believe he is genuine but reckless and needs coaching to tackle or told not to, just track back. As for being disinterested I challenge anyone to watch his movement and the runs he makes during a match without ever receiving the ball - he must get frustrated. We have to stick with him, he's young and immensely talented and needs patience and work on his tackling. Look at what Cantona got up to yet the fans always stuck by him -not only at Utd but throughout his career. Mario must stay!

When Mario plays a full game, he is ALWAYS in the top few players for "distance covered" during a game. He makes runs OFF THE BALL that most fans (ball watchers!) never even see. Heck, I have watched him make THREE RUNS for a ball from a player and not get it, and then get a bollocking for not sprinting back to his left midfield position when the passer loses the ball!

ANYONE who thinks he is disinterested or lazy is simply ignoring reality. He is SO MISUNDERSTOOD it is not funny!

Yes, his tackling is a joke and he needs COACHING. HE IS A MARKED MAN, just like Henry, Cattermole, and others who are singled out by the refs and the media!

And refs?! Don't even get me started! The Lee Mason debacle at OT was a joke! Too bad it was a joke seen, and heard, so many times in the past as to not be funny anymore! Offside, not a foul, not even a "clear goalscoring opportunity," and a dive, but it is a penalty, red card, game over after 10 minutes!!!
As mentioned if this was Mario boy it would make worldwide news in an instant, this is the First I've heard of this incident and I read a lot of footy news
malg said:
To be honest, I'm more disappointed by our own fans reaction to him. That's why the Rags always come on strong, they have a siege mentality about them that we don't have. If they had a player getting this much negative press, regardless of what it was, they'd coral the wagons and look after him. We'd much rather join in the witch hunt and fuck the player. Shame on us to be honest, it's not just the players who are to blame here, our fans are way too fickle as well. Regardless of what he's done, and I do mean that, he's a Blue and we should back him until such time as he's sold.
This attitude annoys the fuck out of me. We've spent years lambasting those fuckers for the way they behave and now we have people saying we should act in exactly the same way.

United fans look like complete fucking dicks when they try to defend the indefensible; the latest one being Young's swan dive on Sunday. Everyone laughs at them because you literally can't take the fucking cunts seriously. So forgive me for not wanting to replicate that kind of nonsense.

If I see a City player acting like a bellend and potentially jeopardising our future in a competition (not for the first time) because he can't keep his pathetically childish emotions in check, I will criticise him for it. Balotelli doesn't need a cuddle and for everyone to tell him he's done nothing wrong and it will all be ok.

He needs to be told in no uncertain terms that his behaviour is bang out of order, that the team ALWAYS comes above whatever petty dispute is going off in his head at that particular time and that he's at great risk of throwing his career down the drain. Otherwise, he will simply never learn.

I've spent the last 30 years coming to the conclusion that United fans are complete cunts. On that basis alone, I'm not going to start acting like one now.
Dubai Blue said:
malg said:
To be honest, I'm more disappointed by our own fans reaction to him. That's why the Rags always come on strong, they have a siege mentality about them that we don't have. If they had a player getting this much negative press, regardless of what it was, they'd coral the wagons and look after him. We'd much rather join in the witch hunt and fuck the player. Shame on us to be honest, it's not just the players who are to blame here, our fans are way too fickle as well. Regardless of what he's done, and I do mean that, he's a Blue and we should back him until such time as he's sold.
This attitude annoys the fuck out of me. We've spent years lambasting those fuckers for the way they behave and now we have people saying we should act in exactly the same way.

United fans look like complete fucking dicks when they try to defend the indefensible; the latest one being Young's swan dive on Sunday. Everyone laughs at them because you literally can't take the fucking cunts seriously. So forgive me for not wanting to replicate that kind of nonsense.

If I see a City player acting like a bellend and potentially jeopardising our future in a competition (not for the first time) because he can't keep his pathetically childish emotions in check, I will criticise him for it. Balotelli doesn't need a cuddle and for everyone to tell him he's done nothing wrong and it will all be ok.

He needs to be told in no uncertain terms that his behaviour is bang out of order, that the team ALWAYS comes above whatever petty dispute is going off in his head at that particular time and that he's at great risk of throwing his career down the drain. Otherwise, he will simply never learn.

I've spent the last 30 years coming to the conclusion that United fans are complete cunts. On that basis alone, I'm not going to start acting like one.
Tell me, honestly, that the stuff he does actually deserves the shite he gets? No, it's way over the top. Oh balls, I really can't be arsed with this any more. Go on and join in the fucking media mind games about our players - if you can't see what's going on then I really can't be fucking bothered.
malg said:
Dubai Blue said:
malg said:
To be honest, I'm more disappointed by our own fans reaction to him. That's why the Rags always come on strong, they have a siege mentality about them that we don't have. If they had a player getting this much negative press, regardless of what it was, they'd coral the wagons and look after him. We'd much rather join in the witch hunt and fuck the player. Shame on us to be honest, it's not just the players who are to blame here, our fans are way too fickle as well. Regardless of what he's done, and I do mean that, he's a Blue and we should back him until such time as he's sold.
This attitude annoys the fuck out of me. We've spent years lambasting those fuckers for the way they behave and now we have people saying we should act in exactly the same way.

United fans look like complete fucking dicks when they try to defend the indefensible; the latest one being Young's swan dive on Sunday. Everyone laughs at them because you literally can't take the fucking cunts seriously. So forgive me for not wanting to replicate that kind of nonsense.

If I see a City player acting like a bellend and potentially jeopardising our future in a competition (not for the first time) because he can't keep his pathetically childish emotions in check, I will criticise him for it. Balotelli doesn't need a cuddle and for everyone to tell him he's done nothing wrong and it will all be ok.

He needs to be told in no uncertain terms that his behaviour is bang out of order, that the team ALWAYS comes above whatever petty dispute is going off in his head at that particular time and that he's at great risk of throwing his career down the drain. Otherwise, he will simply never learn.

I've spent the last 30 years coming to the conclusion that United fans are complete cunts. On that basis alone, I'm not going to start acting like one.
Tell me, honestly, that the stuff he does actually deserves the shite he gets? No, it's way over the top. Oh balls, I really can't be arsed with this any more. Go on and join in the fucking media mind games about our players - if you can't see what's going on then I really can't be fucking bothered.
As I'm thankfully no longer exposed to the 'mind games' of the UK media, I make my own mind up on things like this. What I saw was a player yet again go out on the pitch and put his entire team at risk with an act of sheer petulant stupidity. He has form for this sort of thing (Kiev) and is showing no signs of figuring out what all the fuss is about. And when he was eventually sent off, he then spent an age getting off the pitch, again seemingly oblivious to the greater need of the team. You see, it's always got to be about Mario with Mario. And that's what fucks me off most about him.

And, you know what, if there is a media conspiracy/bias around him, that unfortunately isn't going to change any time soon. And certainly not while he continues to supply them with ammunition. He's simply going to have to learn to adapt himself around it. I know that's not particularly nice, but it's the reality he finds himself in, regardless of whose fault it is.
brummie blue said:
dom said:
City Raider said:
kaboul also kicked out at holt, not the worst offence but if it was balo - well you know the rest

So no mention of this on MOTD ??? !!!

Saw it on MOTD on Saturday night, had it on Sky+ and watched it a couple of times, and the studio twats never even mentioned it, but it was shown because it preceded the second chelsea goal. It's not been mentioned anywhere since.

F''kin unbelievable
dont know if it was mentioned on this thread,on soccer special monday they showed this and paul walsh said when do they decide on retrospective action,the presenter said i suppose when we show the inccidents, says it all really......
no one in the office today knew about this. Just shows that its Sky and not the FA who are in control
hertsblue said:
no one in the office today knew about this. Just shows that its Sky and not the FA who are in control
Very true. When Sky decide its something they would like actioned they run video on the hour every hour of the incident, then the FA are pressured in to action. If Sky dont run it, the FA leave it.
To that point, i would guess that the largest precentage of subscribers from a fan perspective are Rag fans. Why piss off your most valuable asset...this is why they never re-run Rooney or Scholes or any other red twat for that matter. Bias.
chris kamara mentioned it on goals on sunday, any idea when there will be an announcement on any charges?

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