James h Reeve

Remember listening to James and Dave Ward one morning when after some very witty banter and classic one liner from James, Dave could not stop laughing and they had to play two records in a row before he could compose himself, and even then James had to do most of the talking....We need to hear more from James on a regular basis.....

Reminds me of James May for some reason, a decent chap who you could have a pint with
and some banter..........

Hope he can take a penalty better than Mr May after watching he efforts on Man Lab...!!!!

Mario makes it look easy...maybe some more lessons required for Mr May from the master!!!!
I've met James a few times and although it has been a while, we are still grateful for his intermittent contributions to Maine Road FC.

I loved James on GMR. If anyone sees him soon, I would love to know if he remembers doing his quiz and trying to encourage a female contestant to get the answer "onamatapia". Whatever clue James gave, the women went slightly at a tangent and it went on for about 20 minutes. It was the funniest thing I ever recall listening to on radio.

I could try and retell how the conversation went, but it would turn into a, "You had to be there moment". But hopefully he might see this and retell it better than I could!...........it should have won an award.
I always loved my Saturday afternoons listening to James H and the Doc, along with the likes of Brian Clark at Maine Road, on Piccadilly Radio, even in the dark times. Absolute quality and a joy I would gladly see making a return; frankly the inane, arse-licking, sanctamonious (Green et al) media coverage presented today, wall-to-wall, is not a patch on the far more limited coverage I used to enjoy in JHR's day.

Best wishes to you James H, come back soon!
JamesH said:

God, that’s a damming run down on how it was all handled. It’s the often unreported bad point about the public sector. All this chat about how much money we get paid, our opulent pensions (i cant afford to pay into mine) and how we are constantly on the sick etc covers up the real issues with the public sector which are: Autocratic management, a snitching culture that would make Stalin proud, back biting, people so desperate for the top they don’t mind who the trample on, cover ups, wasted money, the rise of pointless middle management roles, jobs for the boys, old school tie. The sector has many more issues than a bit of sickness and big wages at the top.

Has nobody with a bit of gumption ever thought of starting Maverick Radio? Just staff it with all the talk jocks that have fallen foul of broadcasting authorities over the years. Off the top of my head James H, James Whale, (that twat) John Gaunt, George Galloway. I’m sure there are many more people could think of. I would listen to it.
brass neck said:
JamesH said:

God, that’s a damming run down on how it was all handled. It’s the often unreported bad point about the public sector. All this chat about how much money we get paid, our opulent pensions (i cant afford to pay into mine) and how we are constantly on the sick etc covers up the real issues with the public sector which are: Autocratic management, a snitching culture that would make Stalin proud, back biting, people so desperate for the top they don’t mind who the trample on, cover ups, wasted money, the rise of pointless middle management roles, jobs for the boys, old school tie. The sector has many more issues than a bit of sickness and big wages at the top.

Has nobody with a bit of gumption ever thought of starting Maverick Radio? Just staff it with all the talk jocks that have fallen foul of broadcasting authorities over the years. Off the top of my head James H, James Whale, (that twat) John Gaunt, George Galloway. I’m sure there are many more people could think of. I would listen to it.

Isn't that what TalkSport thought they were doing?

I've met James H (albeit rather too briefly) a couple of times. Perfect gentlemen each time and a genuinely funny bloke. Would be great to have him back presenting a decent radio or even tv show.

Imagine James H on, say, Soccer Saturday?! I'd pay damn good money to see that.
I'm not saying this just cos he's reading this but James is the funniest fucker I've ever encountered, some of the things I heard on the late 80s Piccadilly Radio show in particular were hysterically funny

That he is a blue was the icing on the cake

There's got to be something wrong when he's not on the radio permenantly
brass neck said:
JamesH said:

God, that’s a damming run down on how it was all handled. It’s the often unreported bad point about the public sector. All this chat about how much money we get paid, our opulent pensions (i cant afford to pay into mine) and how we are constantly on the sick etc covers up the real issues with the public sector which are: Autocratic management, a snitching culture that would make Stalin proud, back biting, people so desperate for the top they don’t mind who the trample on, cover ups, wasted money, the rise of pointless middle management roles, jobs for the boys, old school tie. The sector has many more issues than a bit of sickness and big wages at the top.

Has nobody with a bit of gumption ever thought of starting Maverick Radio? Just staff it with all the talk jocks that have fallen foul of broadcasting authorities over the years. Off the top of my head James H, James Whale, (that twat) John Gaunt, George Galloway. I’m sure there are many more people could think of. I would listen to it.
That sounds a bit like Alan Partridge on the Mid Morning Matter YouTube videos, when he was consigned to North Norfolk Digital (look em up. Hilarious stuff)
I had a brief chat with JHR last week at the ex-players dinner with the trophy, great fella.

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