Jay Slater | Body confirmed as Jay (P159)

If he’s got no connections to Tenerife or anybody at the festival then the odds are this is just a case of getting lost in the mountains and unfortunately had an accident. That terrain isn’t made for or someone off their nuts in trainers who hadn’t got a clue where they are going.
Certainly seems that way, particularly with the eyewitness who saw him twice and spoke to him the first time. Second time she saw him he was heading the wrong way.
At such a young age you are often reckless.
Certainly seems that way, particularly with the eyewitness who saw him twice and spoke to him the first time. Second time she saw him he was heading the wrong way.
At such a young age you are often reckless.
Often the most obvious answer is the right answer. As it stands everything else is guesswork and subjective. If the story is correct and there’s no skullduggery I fear he will be found eventually but won’t be spending any of the go fund me that some of our more suspicious posters seem to think the family are raising to fund their lifestyle.
For me, with everything I’ve heard and read, it’s an unfortunate situation of a young kid on drugs getting himself lost in an area you really don’t want to get lost in.
Often the most obvious answer is the right answer. As it stands everything else is guesswork and subjective. If the story is correct and there’s no skullduggery I fear he will be found eventually but won’t be spending any of the go fund me that some of our more suspicious posters seem to think the family are raising to fund their lifestyle.
For me, with everything I’ve heard and read, it’s an unfortunate situation of a young kid on drugs getting himself lost in an area you really don’t want to get lost in.
Got to agree with this.
Often the most obvious answer is the right answer. As it stands everything else is guesswork and subjective. If the story is correct and there’s no skullduggery I fear he will be found eventually but won’t be spending any of the go fund me that some of our more suspicious posters seem to think the family are raising to fund their lifestyle.
For me, with everything I’ve heard and read, it’s an unfortunate situation of a young kid on drugs getting himself lost in an area you really don’t want to get lost in.
Agree. I know a few people who worked summer seasons in Tenerife. It can be very dodgy and plenty of stories of drug gangs murdering people and dumping bodies in the mountains.

But pretty sure that's not the case here. Sounds like a lad who's got pissed and misjudged where he is and tried to walk back to his hotel and got lost.
Another story doing the rounds is he snapchatted a mate to say he was going to steal a Rolex watch from the house he'd gone to. Bad move if true. A lot of dangerous people on Tenerife and being a relatively small island they'll soon find you.
We were driving at night up in the caldera a few yeas ago. Got flagged down by a young bloke seemingly in a state of agitation - it was getting very cold and he was only in a vest and shorts.He also seemed to have a leg injury. He was Italian and didn't speak much English, but we were able to deduce that some "friends" had abandoned him up there as some sort of punishment. We drove him the several miles back to the restaurant where he was based.
No idea. She seems a bit of a wrong’un though and has been the first to throw out a few conspiracy theories.
Allegedly she sells drugs and is a well known pusher, people saying she owes thousands herself, and has been involved when other young lads have gone missing.
Agree. I know a few people who worked summer seasons in Tenerife. It can be very dodgy and plenty of stories of drug gangs murdering people and dumping bodies in the mountains.

But pretty sure that's not the case here. Sounds like a lad who's got pissed and misjudged where he is and tried to walk back to his hotel and got lost.
I lived there from 94 until around 2007 full time and the late 90s early 2000s were in the midst of the timeshare wars where quite a lot of naughtiness was taking place. I’m on the mainland these days but still have a place there where I head for a few days 5/6 times a year.
It’s nowhere near as bad as it was but like everywhere there’s an undercurrent below the surface that’s best avoided.
Every tourist hotspot has major drug networks working there and being so close to Africa there’s plenty of ways to get stuff in with most traffickers coming from places where life is cheap and they don’t fear any consequences from the authorities.
There’s a lot of places to get lost in and around the hills of Tenerife.
We were driving at night up in the caldera a few yeas ago. Got flagged down by a young bloke seemingly in a state of agitation - it was getting very cold and he was only in a vest and shorts.He also seemed to have a leg injury. He was Italian and didn't speak much English, but we were able to deduce that some "friends" had abandoned him up there as some sort of punishment. We drove him the several miles back to the restaurant where he was based.

I hope you got a free Tiramisu

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