Jesus Navas

Bang average for City until he was switched to fullback late in his City stay. Navas’ wayward crossing wasn’t helped by having only Aguero in the box surrounded by 4 defenders most of the time.

Jesus was an honest pro. When it pinged on my phone they he had signed I was chairing an event Liverpool Alder Hey Children’s hospital. I informed the Scousers in the audience that everything was better because we’d signed Jesus. Not the best one liner but I won a few smiles.

I’m glad Navas has gone on to be a modern great with Sevilla and Spain. I can’t remember him uttering a single wrong word about our Club
Bang average for City until he was switched to fullback late in his City stay. Navas’ wayward crossing wasn’t helped by having only Aguero in the box surrounded by 4 defenders most of the time.

Jesus was an honest pro. When it pinged on my phone they he had signed I was chairing an event Liverpool Alder Hey Children’s hospital. I informed the Scousers in the audience that everything was better because we’d signed Jesus. Not the best one liner but I won a few smiles.

I’m glad Navas has gone on to be a modern great with Sevilla and Spain. I can’t remember him uttering a single wrong word about our Club
His wayward crossing resulted in goal against Spurs in the first 14 seconds, as I recall, so not universally negative!
I hate these stupid music puns posters feel need to be crammed into serious posts.
After Navas was replaced, Pep said that his right back position would never let me down again.
Would have loved to see him in his prime at RB under Pep in this city team. He was better winger than given credit and seems to have become an even better RB in later life. Pep would love that winger technical ability his pace and work rate at RB and his crosses from RB to Haaland would be great

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