Went to the 6th floor book depository museum in Dallas last November - amazing place, lots of info I didn't know (like I didn't know he died in hospital, assumed he was dead on the scene).
Looking from that window (on the floor below) and with a similar type weapon on display, no way could one man hit a moving target twice in such a short amount of time
3 shots wasn't it?
From the Grauniad, and a nice comparison

Apart from a shared mastery of television, Drumpf is, in many respects, the anti-Kennedy. The 70-year-old Republican, who had no political experience, was the oldest person ever elected US president. Kennedy, a 43-year-old Democrat who had served in the House and the Senate, was the youngest. At the 100-day mark, Drumpf’s public approval rating was 41%. Kennedy’s was 83%.

Drumpf was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam war; Kennedy received military honors for saving the lives of crewmates when their torpedo boat was struck by a Japanese destroyer during the second world war. Drumpf infamously does not read books, gives disjointed speeches and has claimed: “You have to be wealthy in order to be great.” Kennedy was fond of referencing ancient Greeks and Shakespeare, won a Pulitzer prize for the book Profiles in Courage, and once declared: “This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor.”

Stephen Kennedy Smith, 59, co-author of JFK: A Vision for America, published to mark the anniversary, studiously avoided mentioning Drumpf when he said in an interview: “I think President Kennedy believed in America as a great civilization, as a moral enterprise, as an evolving set of ideals, and so he believed in the arts and funding for the arts, he believed in science and funding for science.

“He wrote a book called Nation of Immigrants about how America had been built by immigrants. He gave the greatest speech on religious discrimination that’s maybe ever been given by an American president because he was a Catholic. I think those things speak for themselves.”

He studied at Harvard University and the London School of Economics, fought in the war and went on to serve in the House and Senate before winning a narrow, still questionable election over Richard Nixon. Whereas Drumpf’s 2017 inaugural address evoked Nixonian bleakness and put an emphasis on “America first”, in 1961 Kennedy set out an optimistic vision, called for “a grand and global alliance” and set America course to put a man on the moon.
One of the greatest humans to have existed. As flawed as the rest of us of course, but an amazing orator and visionary. This is my favourite video with some of his speech fragments in it regarding Apollo. Shows you how important it was to have him in the White House at exactly the right time in history, and how far away the American standard of President has fallen in the years since he was assassinated. It also reminds of the actual challenge that he set when he decided to go to the Moon and how far away that ambitious vision was.

I consider this the most inspirational speech ever written and a call to arms that will echo across not just decades but centuries of humans.

Completely agree. I've always considered it to be the most inspired, and best delivered, of speeches.
One of the greatest humans to have existed. As flawed as the rest of us of course, but an amazing orator and visionary. This is my favourite video with some of his speech fragments in it regarding Apollo. Shows you how important it was to have him in the White House at exactly the right time in history, and how far away the American standard of President has fallen in the years since he was assassinated. It also reminds of the actual challenge that he set when he decided to go to the Moon and how far away that ambitious vision was.

I consider this the most inspirational speech ever written and a call to arms that will echo across not just decades but centuries of humans.

He was a drug addict and a sex friend in his personal life (one of my politics profs in uni was some big senators niece and she liked to talk about "secret" Washington)but as a President he was top drawer. No doubt about that.
A turning point in history. I doubt half the conflicts in the world would be happening now.
He would have torn the CIA into a million pieces, no industrial military complex.

Watch The untold history of America, by oliver stone.

The CIA killed Kennedy and then proceeded to fuck the world up.

Did anyone see clips of his speech where he alludes to secret societies? Eerie stuff.
Went to the 6th floor book depository museum in Dallas last November - amazing place, lots of info I didn't know (like I didn't know he died in hospital, assumed he was dead on the scene).
Looking from that window (on the floor below) and with a similar type weapon on display, no way could one man hit a moving target twice in such a short amount of time
He did die at the scene and the prat that told you that is an idiot. He was declared dead at hospital but given the fact he'd lost several pounds of brain over the car and wife, he was dead that second.
He did die at the scene and the prat that told you that is an idiot. He was declared dead at hospital but given the fact he'd lost several pounds of brain over the car and wife, he was dead that second.
Basically true. American police are not allowed to declare anyone dead. They may be dead as a door nail but only a medical examiner, coroner or physician can say he/she is dead.
He did die at the scene and the prat that told you that is an idiot. He was declared dead at hospital but given the fact he'd lost several pounds of brain over the car and wife, he was dead that second.
That's what I had always assumed.

At the museum, you walked from area to area where a continous loop of commentary over film or photos were shown and that's were it said he was declared dead at the hospital 'later' rather than upon arrival.
Maybe the hospital were told to delay the announcement so time could be bought to prepare to announce his death?
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From the Grauniad, and a nice comparison

Apart from a shared mastery of television, Drumpf is, in many respects, the anti-Kennedy. The 70-year-old Republican, who had no political experience, was the oldest person ever elected US president. Kennedy, a 43-year-old Democrat who had served in the House and the Senate, was the youngest. At the 100-day mark, Drumpf’s public approval rating was 41%. Kennedy’s was 83%.

Drumpf was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam war; Kennedy received military honors for saving the lives of crewmates when their torpedo boat was struck by a Japanese destroyer during the second world war. Drumpf infamously does not read books, gives disjointed speeches and has claimed: “You have to be wealthy in order to be great.” Kennedy was fond of referencing ancient Greeks and Shakespeare, won a Pulitzer prize for the book Profiles in Courage, and once declared: “This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor.”

Stephen Kennedy Smith, 59, co-author of JFK: A Vision for America, published to mark the anniversary, studiously avoided mentioning Drumpf when he said in an interview: “I think President Kennedy believed in America as a great civilization, as a moral enterprise, as an evolving set of ideals, and so he believed in the arts and funding for the arts, he believed in science and funding for science.

“He wrote a book called Nation of Immigrants about how America had been built by immigrants. He gave the greatest speech on religious discrimination that’s maybe ever been given by an American president because he was a Catholic. I think those things speak for themselves.”

He studied at Harvard University and the London School of Economics, fought in the war and went on to serve in the House and Senate before winning a narrow, still questionable election over Richard Nixon. Whereas Drumpf’s 2017 inaugural address evoked Nixonian bleakness and put an emphasis on “America first”, in 1961 Kennedy set out an optimistic vision, called for “a grand and global alliance” and set America course to put a man on the moon.

Going through a Guardian article and changing every mention of "Trump" to "Drumpf" might be amongst one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen on the forum.

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