So many rumours, stories and untruths spoken about the death of Kennedy.

I wouldn't be surprised if Oswald was a Mob stooge to cover up the real shooter on the Grassy Knoll and that the fatal shot was an accidental (and bonus shot) weapon discharge by one of the Secret Service body guards in the car when he panicked after the first shot from the Book Depository.
So many rumours, stories and untruths spoken about the death of Kennedy.

I wouldn't be surprised if Oswald was a Mob stooge to cover up the real shooter on the Grassy Knoll and that the fatal shot was an accidental (and bonus shot) weapon discharge by one of the Secret Service body guards in the car when he panicked after the first shot from the Book Depository.

The more recent and fuller investigations have demonstrated precisely this.An unfortunate accidental shot from his own bodyguard.
So who did kill him and why?!?
Isn't there a forceful argument that the magic bullet theory was right and LHO acted alone? This being a process of debunking other theories and explaining how Oswald acting in a sole capacity was plausible.
I've heard all sorts of groups being connected to his murder over the years for various reasons, the CIA,the mob, Cubans, secret service, Jewish mafia, US army etc.
Surely if it was some kind of far reaching conspiracy, it would have come out by now!
Going through a Guardian article and changing every mention of "Trump" to "Drumpf" might be amongst one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen on the forum.

Said it before, Uncle Wally One Joke

No doubt he's also a Slippy G, Fergiscum and Chelski sort of guy
Went to the 6th floor book depository museum in Dallas last November - amazing place, lots of info I didn't know (like I didn't know he died in hospital, assumed he was dead on the scene).
Looking from that window (on the floor below) and with a similar type weapon on display, no way could one man hit a moving target twice in such a short amount of time

People have done it in reconstructions. Just saying. He was a marksman after all.
It wouldn't matter if God lowered himself down on a cloud and told the world the full story. You would still get truthers saying something else and that God was either in the Iluminati,or a lizard alien who shape shifts and cannot be trusted.

They met a guy once at a whako conference, who slept with a guy who used to email a guy who was related to a woman who every second weekend, worked at the Whitehouse boiling eggs and she swears she overheard two CIA men discussing their role in the hit and cover up, who she later read had accidently chopped their own heads off, whilst cutting their hedges.

Who could argue with that?

Or some other shit.

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