Joao Neves

Scouting report. I was at the Marseille-Benfica match last night. I had no idea who he was. But he was one of the best players on the pitch. The hairstyle of an older man. Very high shirt tuck (Rodri-style) maintained throughout. Neat and tidy. Never gave the ball away (or really did anything with it, to be honest). But I sat through the whole thing assuming he was their experienced old hand pulling the strings. Imagine my surprise when my mate told me he was only 18 or 19. I was very impressed.
The little I've seen of this kid, I've been impressed. He's a different dimension to Rodri, but so was Fernandinho.

Claude Makelele was considered one of, if not the best CDM of his generation & he wasn't the biggest either.

I suppose Neves would be more of a risk than a seasoned star, but he sounds like one worth taking a long term punt on.
Not worth 120m
I don’t many players are. Now there is a narrative that CDM’s are the most important player and you pay a premium. We’ve been incredibly lucky with transfer fees so may have to hit the bullet in this one.

I hope we sign him.
I feel like this is the only way that Bernardo can leave, a swap deal. Obviously rather he stays, but it kinda makes sense for all parties if he really, really wants to leave.
The little I've seen of this kid, I've been impressed. He's a different dimension to Rodri, but so was Fernandinho.

Claude Makelele was considered one of, if not the best CDM of his generation & he wasn't the biggest either.

I suppose Neves would be more of a risk than a seasoned star, but he sounds like one worth taking a long term punt on.
Neves is taller than Kante who is arguably one of the best players to have graced the league.

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