Joe Hart (joined Torino on season long loan - Official)

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If Hart is no good why are City messing about trying to get rid in the last few days of the transfer window. As I said elsewhere there were some critics on here last year but those number seem to have grown in the last few weeks. That must be what exposure to Talkshite and tabloid press does to them.
You constant references to "City" make me wonder if we are not your club..... strange that :-)

Most tend to use the word "we" when talking about the club...
I do think one of the problems we have shifting players is the way that the press continually downplay and denigrate our players. Many of our players get ridiculous mounts of criticism compared to certain other teams that play in red, and this impacts the perception of our players and the price we can get.

Example, just seen an article on rumour of Managala to replace Wimmer ar Spurs, and the Spurs fans calling him a clown/liability etc, but there were stats in there showing Mangala winning way more tackles, ariel duals, interceptions and having same pass completion rate.

Same goes for Joe - he is far and away the best English keeper over the last 10 years, is a current England International and has not suddenly got worse overnight. Apart from the fact he doesn't fit with Pep's particular style he would not be moving. Fans of other teams would no doubt welcome DeGea, and yet slag off Joe who I feel is as good an all-round goalkeeper, but every time DeGea stops a shot it is highlighted as a 'World Class save' by a fawning press. Then there is the occasional cock up for England that gets replayed a million times, and while opposition fans have not seen either DeGea or Joe for a whole game their perception is fixed, no matter what the stats say.

Very true! Media always doing its best to make both our signings and sale as difficult as possible! Absolute scums! Unfortunately we cannot wish them away. Maybe we hv to schmooze with them more, hire a Media PR. Like all the other clubs!
Are people really putting Hart, a decent keeper, no more, no less, above arguably the best manager working in football today?
Ickle City syndrome at its finest.
Wonder what the odds are on Joe staying and Willy being sold or Joe staying and Gunn going out on loan
Are people really putting Hart, a decent keeper, no more, no less, above arguably the best manager working in football today?
Ickle City syndrome at its finest.

Easy man, no-one is saying that all. We'll all support Pep not matter what, but we are entitled to disagree occasionally aren't we. Or are you telling me you jumped for joy when you heard Kolarov was going to start at CB?
Wonder what the odds are on Joe staying and Willy being sold or Joe staying and Gunn going out on loan

I think Joe is the one they want to move. Papers reporting that City's sporting director Txiki Begiristain said they want to make the goalkeeper 'happy'.

'We will try to find a good solution for everybody,' Begiristain said. 'We now have one week to make him happy and find a club where he has a real chance. We will try and help him because he deserves it.'

It sounds like either Joe won't except being demoted to a #2 or the club fully intended to move him on and were waiting on the conclusion of the Bravo deal to ensure they had coverage. I originally thought it was a spat with Pep but I think it's become clear the club don't want him to be here at the end of the transfer window. I really think both the club and Pep have been caught a little off guard at how just unpopular the decision was. I truly believe the club will try to find him the best solution because they have to be aware that the English media is going to hound them over the dropping of the England No. 1.
Wonder what the odds are on Joe staying and Willy being sold or Joe staying and Gunn going out on loan

I've been thinking that this is probably how it'll work out alrite. Joe becoming Number 2 - unsure what would then happy with Willy/Gunn.
Easy man, no-one is saying that all. We'll all support Pep not matter what, but we are entitled to disagree occasionally aren't we. Or are you telling me you jumped for joy when you heard Kolarov was going to start at CB?
As a Kolarov fan I was quite happy that Pep saw the footballer I did ;-)

Of course people have a right to be a bit disgruntled and it's not all of the posters disappointed Hart is leaving who are reacting poorly. But the last 10 or so pages have shown one or two up as not willing to let the club move forward.
You can't chase a manager for 6 years then give him restrictions when he finally arrives. It's all or nothing.
Your argument about contracts seems somewhat silly given that a longer term contract for a player usually increases their sell on value. It was reported (possibly falsely) that the club's hierarchy were caught off guard by Guardiola's decision to drop Hart so the length of his contract reflected what they thought of him at the time.

It's not silly. A contract is agreed by both parties. Neither he nor City can complain about the terms of it. What's silly about that?
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