Joe Hart (joined Torino on season long loan - Official)

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If Hart is no good why are City messing about trying to get rid in the last few days of the transfer window. As I said elsewhere there were some critics on here last year but those number seem to have grown in the last few weeks. That must be what exposure to Talkshite and tabloid press does to them.

You are quite vociferous in your argument that as a club we have fucked up. To know we have fucked up, you must surely know what we should have done. I'm all ears
I have said enough about the way City have handled this matter. I have every right and reason to say that but I will not be answering any more.

We are all allowed to have opinions but it is easier to express them at the ground and the surrounding pubs amongst those with less sensitive skins.
I do think one of the problems we have shifting players is the way that the press continually downplay and denigrate our players. Many of our players get ridiculous mounts of criticism compared to certain other teams that play in red, and this impacts the perception of our players and the price we can get.

Example, just seen an article on rumour of Managala to replace Wimmer ar Spurs, and the Spurs fans calling him a clown/liability etc, but there were stats in there showing Mangala winning way more tackles, ariel duals, interceptions and having same pass completion rate.

Same goes for Joe - he is far and away the best English keeper over the last 10 years, is a current England International and has not suddenly got worse overnight. Apart from the fact he doesn't fit with Pep's particular style he would not be moving. Fans of other teams would no doubt welcome DeGea, and yet slag off Joe who I feel is as good an all-round goalkeeper, but every time DeGea stops a shot it is highlighted as a 'World Class save' by a fawning press. Then there is the occasional cock up for England that gets replayed a million times, and while opposition fans have not seen either DeGea or Joe for a whole game their perception is fixed, no matter what the stats say.
So you think all this fucking about is good management either at boardroom level or dressing room level?

We seem to have two camps over the Hart Out business those who were saying it last year and those who were saying the opposite but have done an about face because 'Pep' says it and 'in Pep we trust'. If the first camp did not rate him, I would hope that Pep also would have seen this last season and taken appropriate steps via his good friend Trixie instead of signing Barca's now second choice goalie after the season has begun and having Hart left on his hands at the moment. It is a cock up plain and simple.

And we have not begun to address Nasri, Yaya, and a fewer less but highly paid lights yet.

Woodward has had a few years and three new managers to achieve his level of incompetence but as I recall (and I don't bother much with what the rags do) I do not remember him with highly paid, unwanted players hanging around.

It's gonna be hard for anyone to take your comments seriously when you end a post with such utter nonsense.
I have said enough about the way City have handled this matter. I have every right and reason to say that but I will not be answering any more.

We are all allowed to have opinions but it is easier to express them at the ground and the surrounding pubs amongst those with less sensitive skins.

Probably best as you were in danger of not being able to get out of the hole you were digging in time for our game on Sunday
Technically you can't argue with what you've stated and certainly I don't have any worries for Joe's financial security! But he won't be picked for England if he's our 3rd choice keeper (how many games did Wright play last season) and we're not talking about any old gold-digging mercenary, this is someone who has spent 10 years with us. Would you feel so matter of fact about it if it was Vinny or Zabba?

Agreed. Am pretty sure Hart and his agent are actively searching for a suitable team. He is entering what is supposed to be the peak period for Goalkeepers, so wouldn't be hanging around like Wright did.
That's the point of forums though, to make those arguments about being the best manager and what decisions are made. Pep was regularly subjected to criticism of his game and decisions while at Bayern. He was even referred to as a "tactics freak" by former Bayern coach Omar Hitzfield, saying:

"Guardiola focuses only on the tactics," Hitzfeld told Bild. "He is a tactics freak who is engaged in game situation day and night, but in interpersonal relationships, he has not focused on the team.

"He has had almost no meetings. He has sealed himself off even from the media.

"At this point, Jupp Heynckes is as successful as Guardiola, but he can still change that, he can still win three titles like Heynckes did."

Not trying to put down Guardiola at all, just making the point that not everyone believes his style is the best in the business. Heynckes has won the CL with Bayern in 2013 with the same team that Pep inherited but he was only able to get them back to the semi-finals for 3 years straight after that. So it would be a little presumptuous of us to assume that simply getting Guardiola has made us a powerhouse overnight and that we as fans can't question his decisions without attempting to undermine him.
His first big decision with us - I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Shame we couldn't get Heynckes.
Weren't you outed a week ago?

No mate. Some chose to assume that because I mentioned Ibra that I surely must be a rag. Look at my post history. Don't mention United much at all. Have played in the Bluemoon Fantasy League for 3 or 4 years now with a team of 3 city players (Aguero, DeBruyne and Clichy this year) and no United even though it's no longer an official rule. Citizen Canuck is my team. Posted that my reason for liking City was Stephen Ireland. As for the Bravo thread, I will openly admit that I don't like Pep's personality. Haven't since he managed Barca and even less when he managed Bayern. Wish him all the best as a city manager and hope he is able to transform us into a powerhouse, but I don't ever really see myself liking his personality. The good part of the forum is hearing everyone's different opinion. If we all just blindly followed Pep than it would make sense just to have like buttons instead of comment boxes.
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