Joe Harts Utd quote

Rags believe their own hype. When one of their nearest rivals best players tells them their good they hit the wank wall. Arrogance leads to sloppiness and then were closing the gap.

Remember Bobby conceding the title this time last season to them.
What is annoying is people making something out of nothing here to have a go at one of our own. Pathetic really. Get a life.
Josh Blue said:
I like Joe but that is something that is pretty annoying about him, not sure what it is.
I know what you mean, just can't put my finger on it

the fact he is the country's number 1 goalkeeper tends to prevent him from winding any opposition up, in the same way that Balo did at Wembley.

For the record, I don't give a shit. I would rather he said it like it is than come out with some arrogant statement about how they are gonna bottle it, only to have it thrown back in his face when he is proved wrong. That is what the filth do
oakiecokie said:
blue underpants said:
oakiecokie said:
Its about time some of you lot grew a pair of bollocks.Fuck all wrong with what he said.
They always say the truth hurts.This proves it !!
Never said it was wrong, im not that stupid that i dont think they have had the edge over us this season, they have been better i will admit it, but for one of our players to say it is wrong, im just asking Joe to keep his thoughts to himself, the number of rags who have text me over it gloating is sickening

Fucking hell, so some of your mates get under your skin for being Rags.Get rid of the fuckers if you can`t stand the heat !!! Deary me !!
I dont have rag mates by choice, my soon to be son in law is a rag and im seriously thinking of banning him from the flat, he turned up Christmas Day in a pair of rag socks, he lasted 3 seconds and he was through the door to change before he got his xmas dinner.

The twats txting me are ex workmates who i could not pick and choose
stony said:
City 1 Chelsea 1 1971 said:
I saw the interview on TV at the England training camp.

He was asked about United and he gave an honest answer, which was nothing like the soundbite headline that appeared in the papers.

Joe Hart is a nice guy and he came across as a nice guy In contrast Rio Ferdinand has been quite rightly slaughtered for his pathetic posturing.

Methinks you're all getting a tad paranoid about nothing

Exactly, he gave an honest answer to a question and he's getting stick for it. He did nothing wrong.
In the eyes of us normal folk, you're right.
Something I have noticed, particularly in the last couple of years, is how the attitude of our players and management differs from that of United players and management. Every time one of our players is asked, in a TV or press interview, about United, they almost instantly reply with comments such as, "United are a great club", "Sir Alex Ferguson is a top manager" and "United have a brilliant squad". It seems to be part of the media briefings/training players receive. You can guarantee that when a City player or part of the management team is asked about catching United or, for example, about facing United, the player say something positive about United in teh first sentence.

When United players and management are asked about City, they very rarely say anything complimentary about the club. They often sidestep any references to us, belittle us or have a sly dig. Some may regard that as being the behaviour of those with a great desire to win. I think it more likely the fact they lack class or simply do it to improve or maintain popularity with the Rag masses.

It simply confirms to me what most people realise, United are a club that lacks any kind of class or dignity.
He's right with what he's said in a way. Though I wouldn't say they've been a steamroller, when the rest of the league has been utter shite.

He's partial to bit of Rag IMO, though, said it before.
Manc in London said:
Something I have noticed, particularly in the last couple of years, is how the attitude of our players and management differs from that of United players and management. Every time one of our players is asked, in a TV or press interview, about United, they almost instantly reply with comments such as, "United are a great club", "Sir Alex Ferguson is a top manager" and "United have a brilliant squad". It seems to be part of the media briefings/training players receive. You can guarantee that when a City player or part of the management team is asked about catching United or, for example, about facing United, the player say something positive about United in teh first sentence.

When United players and management are asked about City, they very rarely say anything complimentary about the club. They often sidestep any references to us, belittle us or have a sly dig. Some may regard that as being the behaviour of those with a great desire to win. I think it more likely the fact they lack class or simply do it to improve or maintain popularity with the Rag masses.

It simply confirms to me what most people realise, United are a club that lacks any kind of class or dignity.
Exactly the point i am trying to make, thank you

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