John Terry [Merged]

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I don't care if they report us for tapping up. I don't care whether Hughes has broken any rules by talking about him. I don't care if we actually tapped him up. In fact, I hope we have.

It's not going to make any difference to us is it? Or to them if we get a fine. Don't see the point myself.

Is this actually being said? Surely they wouldn't be doing this if he had agreed to stay?

We must be really getting on their tits. Good :-)

Sounds like we turned his head with the money, they turned it with an improved offer, and we may have turned it again by offering more still (hence the reigniting of the 'tapping up' row?).

He's like a fucking owl that lad, his head seems to turn all the way round...
if the odds are anything to go by it looks like we have fook all chance!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ls/to-stay</a>
If this is still goin on by the weekend, it will serve as yet another wind up for the Chelski chavs. A lot of them were pretty confident after this morning's papers that Terry was intending to issue a press statement confirming his decision to stay. They're expecting to hear something any minute now and the longer they wait, the more agitated they'll get. The unholy chav trinity of RA, MK and Anchelotti are not exactly helping matters. I think they are well over stating their alleged certainties on re Mr Chelski's intentions. Kenyon in particular has form for this sort of thing. I still recall his idiotic remarks during the Robbie negotiations. Here is what happened with that.

About 48 hours before anyone knew anything about City's intended hijack of that deal and before The Pensioners FC or any one else knew a thing about the take over, Chelski gave a specific date that Robbie would be signing for them. It was supposed to be on a friday but Friday passed without him making an appearance and by Saturday morning, people were saying there must have been a snag. In fact as far as anyone knew, the player hadn't even flown in. On the Saturday, the media asked the twatzoid Kenyon to explain why Robbie hadn't signed and why hadn't flown into the UK as expected. Kenyon said that Robbie had flown in but wanted to do some shopping in London over the weekend and would conclude the deal early the following week. He also said he'd met up with the player when he first arrived I think he may have expected to get away with this lie because as far as he was concerned, no other club would be coming in for Robbie and there'd be nobody to contradict him when Robbie eventually did sign for Chelski (other than Robbie himself). It was all a bit odd. Anyway, two days later, Hughes met Robbie at the air port and so Kenyon's deranged lying about meeting the player and showing him round London were exposed as total bullshit. This is the sort of knob-head factor that make Chelski so difficult to negotiate with.
OK, I'll ask again: Pam what is your problem with Chelsea? What's with constant negativity towards CFC? You seem obsessed with it.
Look John, it's been ni-on 3 weeks now since the first bid and you still haven't spoken, nevermind made a choice. Do us all a favour, end this saga onCe and for all. it's getting rather tedious now. Your not Barack Obama FFS!
jrb said:
Look John, it's been ni-on 3 weeks now since the first bid and you still haven't spoken, nevermind made a choice. Do us all a favour, end this saga onCe and for all. it's getting rather tedious now. Your not Barack Obama FFS!

CTID_92 said:
let them try reporting us. Its just goes to show we're getting at them. Hughes has simply answered questions he has been asked by the media and has said little more than, he admires Terry but while he is a Chelsea play he can say little more. If they are reporting us for privately tapping up then JT should face a club fine for talking to us without his club's permission.

'kin 'ell if Hughes taps up what does twitcher do? Not only does he tap the players up he conducts the price negotiations via the frigging media, him and baconface get away with it time and again
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