John Terry [Merged]

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whicko said:
Spursmad my arse! Liar

I'm dubious about most ITK's but this doesn't make him a liar. His contact is at City and for all we know Terry could have have fuelled all this to better his contract at Chelsea. He/his agent was probably feeding City misinformation, it's the game.

That doesn't make SM a liar, nor does it mean he's telling the truth - just no need jump on his back.
Not really surprising however strange he's took so long to come out with the statement. Shame really as he's a class defender and we've got little chance of getting anyone as good as him

Lescott and Toure are good defenders who will improve us so we'll just have to do our best to get them
That is a shock!

I was still being told upto yesterday that this will definetly happen, sorry to anyone that I passed this info onto, this is a real shock to and my dad.

But on the otherside I am releaved this is over and fairplay to the cnut for coming out with this statement straght away!

Sindre89 said:
Haha! Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!

So much for those ITKs of yours by the way. Suspect this may be to end of spursmad on bluemoon...

Don't talk bullshit!! He wanted to come, but wasn't prepared to take the necessary step and force the issue.

You have been having kittens over losing him. For me it was always a win win situ for City. The publicity for us has been invaluable.
If anybody thinks that this situation is as simple as the statement makes out is deluded. What has happened no-one knows. I don't have a problem with Terry staying at Chelsea or with us trying to get a player that would have made us a top 4 certainty.
Chelsea captain John Terry has finally ended his silence over speculation regarding a move to Manchester City and said he is staying at Stamford Bridge.
City have long been linked with the 28-year-old, amid reports that they were considering a bid of up to £40m.
And while Chelsea have long said they would not sell Terry, the defender's silence only increased the speculation.
But he has now said: "I am totally committed to Chelsea, always have been. Me leaving was never a possibility."
More to follow.
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