John Terry [Merged]

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The Fixer said:
Their doesn't seem to be any real movement on this potential transfer, chelsea wont accept a bid ,JT wants to talk with us apparently but as of yet roman won't let him. So JT has to put in a transfer request which he also hasn't done yet. Check mate?

That seems to be the state of play mate, and I think this one could fizzle out..... I think the only way Terry will get the move (if he does want to join City) is by handing in a transfer request and becoming the Bad guy in the saga, Chelsea are going to force all the blame on Terry as they don't want him to leave, whether he'll have the balls to become the bad guy....I think that's going to be the deciding factor. To be fair he could just be using us to get himself a better contract at the Bridge but I think it's gone on too long for that.
Vialli now advising Terry not to move for the cash! and let his heart stay at Chelsea!

Will he or wont he be on the plane to America or Africa!
Bellamy's Caddy said:
The Fixer said:
Their doesn't seem to be any real movement on this potential transfer, chelsea wont accept a bid ,JT wants to talk with us apparently but as of yet roman won't let him. So JT has to put in a transfer request which he also hasn't done yet. Check mate?

That seems to be the state of play mate, and I think this one could fizzle out..... I think the only way Terry will get the move (if he does want to join City) is by handing in a transfer request and becoming the Bad guy in the saga, Chelsea are going to force all the blame on Terry as they don't want him to leave, whether he'll have the balls to become the bad guy....I think that's going to be the deciding factor. To be fair he could just be using us to get himself a better contract at the Bridge but I think it's gone on too long for that.

Bit like the Gerrard move to them a while back then.......what goes around and all that. This is very enjoyable.
JT stayin at raddison in manchester and talk sport apparently stated that chelsea have cancelled JT's room for there usa tour. might be bollox but sounds promising

roll on
surely we have members on here who work at the raddison ? and can go knocking on every door to see if john is staying ;) lol
even tho were are loaded i've never been 1 to just turn round like some and say "pay whatever, we can afford it" but in terrys case i NOW think his signature is a MUST, were signing and linked with great players now, and thats great but also thses guys are multi millionaires, the modern day footballers are, and with that can come problems, plus were still building much more than chelsea ever had too, they were already achieving things before roman, my point being the modern day footballer doesn't stick around, and can be in it for themselves etc etc, now terry is captain of IMO the most disfunctional side in the prem, think of all the managers that have been and gone there, the side could of imploded and im sure behind the scenes it very nearly did, but terry has kept a mass of big ego's under control and at least in the public eye make them seem pretty united. this is all new to us and we may hit a few brick walls, but IMO terry is the only man who can keep our new brilliant side in check, i dont think hughes is just signing a player in terry!
does anyone know if his car is a dark blue aston martin reg plate JT1.

i work in the building next to the lowry hotel, a couple of chaps here (now they are rags) say they saw this car outside the hotel with a few camera men around it.
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