John Terry [Merged]

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Sindre89 said:
The Fixer said:
Can i just ask if you was one of the loyal fans pre harding/RA has now your attendances are 40k ish and before they were well woeful to say the least!

Chelsea fan since 1998.

That explains a lot !

Don't suppose you remember the days at the Bridge when you were lucky if 10,000 turned up ?? Ask your older brother as it was only about 6 or 7 years before you started supporting them.

At least you have been around long enough to see Roman start his spending, and also around to see him put the wallet away for good

Good luck to Ancelloti with his assortment of free transfers and tribunal signings. At least there will be a different manager around in Jan for the next tfr window at your shambles of a club.

Oh and dont forget to come here after Terry has signed to tell us how crap he is
Robinho says BRING IT!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rs&cc=5739</a>

Manchester City forward Robinho has backed the club's pursuit of Chelsea captain John Terry. The Brazilian recognises the need for defensive reinforcements and feels Terry could make the club 'unbeatable'.

However, Robinho, said: "There is no longer a top four. We have made it a top five. From this season we have to go in with the mindset we're one of the very best clubs.

"I'm delighted we've signed Tevez. He is a world-class player and it would be fantastic for me to play alongside him.

"While I've always urged the club to sign players like Tevez and Kaka when there has been a chance, I also know you have to build from the back.

"You can have the best attacking six players in the world, but unless the defence compliments it then you will not win anything.

"I don't know anything about the John Terry deal apart from what I have read, but he is the sort of world-class leader we need at the back.

"I have said before when you build a house you start from the bottom. If John does not happen then there are plenty of quality defenders in Europe.

"If the players we have signed and the players we may sign all work well together then on our day we can become unbeatable - and not just in England, but in Europe as well."

He added: "We will be looking to win all the competitions we are in and that means having a squad of world class players.

"All the top clubs have players competing for places, and we now have to look at ourselves as a top club.

"People will need to start taking us very seriously."
mancboy123 said:
Oh wow you couldnt be less informed

1) sturridge is on more money and wouldnt get near our front line but will get near yours

2) Its well documented that you courted tevez and agreed to pay his fee and he rejected you

3) Barry for being a pretty average midfielder does a pretty good job in the ENGLAND midfield like Frank Lampard so guess your best midfielder is pretty average to

4) Lescott would walk into your first team alongside Terry

5) The fact that your manager knows nothing about your transfer activity says something about your team. The fact that your chief exec has no idea about what another club are offering for your player says something bout your team

1)No one knows for sure,except Sturridge and his agent. City fans want to believe he left for more money because it makes them feel better, Chelsea fans see it in a way that makes them feel good.

2)We registered interest, but never made an official bid. Probably because we knew he's settled in Manchester and we were never going to offer him the kind of wages he was getting from you, in fact no other club would. The rest is just bollocks spouted by MCI & Joorabchian to make their client look a hot property and squeeze a few more pennies out of the sheiks

3) Barry is a quality player but he's nowhere near Lampard's level. We've got Essien,Ballack,Lampard,Mikel,Deco all competing for starting spot in the central midfield.
Gareth Barry wouldn't have even made the bench for half of the fixtures had he signed for Chelsea.

4) So you'd pick Lescott over Carvalho,Alex and Ivanovic? Brilliant.

5) I think they know much more about it than they'd willing to let you know.
Prophet of Doom said:
Sindre89 said:
Chelsea fan since 1998.

Oh and dont forget to come here after Terry has signed to tell us how crap he is

I certainly will, and i may even come back to wind you up when the sheiks realise that their club never is going to win anything and find out that they will find better ways to waste their oil-money.
Sindre89 said:
Prophet of Doom said:
Oh and dont forget to come here after Terry has signed to tell us how crap he is

I certainly will, and i may even come back to wind you up when the sheiks realise that their club never is going to win anything and find out that they will find better ways to waste their oil-money.

that's a ban right there, surely?

where's de niro when you need him?
Sindre89 said:
Prophet of Doom said:
Oh and dont forget to come here after Terry has signed to tell us how crap he is

I certainly will, and i may even come back to wind you up when the sheiks realise that their club never is going to win anything and find out that they will find better ways to waste their oil-money.

Guess that means he's not coming back then, bless.
Young_Kenny_The_Blue said:
Maineblue said:
Sigh another idiot fan from a flapping top four team bemoaning a player who is obviously quality, just because they like to talk without their arguments having any actul truth or point to it.

I suppose if we do end up with Terry (which most of us acknowledge is a big if) he'll probably wouldn't have been that good anyway, Tevez and Adebayor are quality players saying anything else is just showing you for the person you are.

Did I like Anelka leaving us? did I fuck, did I then question his ability, committment or personalty or lack thereoff? that would be a no then.

Now the shoes on the other foot, your not liking it aww poor (where our owners are concerned) Chelski, let's hope for you sake Roman doesn't get board and decide to buy another new mega yaught instead of strengthening your squad.

And the story of reporting us to the FA for "tapping" up JT a tabloid story or not made me laugh my balls of and I was sorta of hoping it was true, after having read some replies on the CFC.nobs JT thread and tapping up even though we had made an official public bid just made my day, especially as it came from you lot or do you not do irony dann saff?

your making us sound as bitter as they are. JT would be the greatest signin pulled off, not jus for us, but maybe in prem history. soz to sound nasty but dont come out with all this, "he wouldn't be any good anyway" because hat is jus BS.......... i for one am dyin to sign him.

sorry fella but i think you might be missing the guys point here ..he's saying that if we did sign terry then the chelski fans would all bve saying he was shit anyway.. much like the rags are now with Teves and the arse are with adebayor .
Young_Kenny_The_Blue said:
Maineblue said:
I suppose if we do end up with Terry (which most of us acknowledge is a big if) he'll probably wouldn't have been that good anyway, Tevez and Adebayor are quality players saying anything else is just showing you for the person you are.

your making us sound as bitter as they are. JT would be the greatest signin pulled off, not jus for us, but maybe in prem history. soz to sound nasty but dont come out with all this, "he wouldn't be any good anyway" because hat is jus BS.......... i for one am dyin to sign him.

Think you got the wrong end of the stick there fella, sorry the lack of ? at the end confused you so much, that's the point of my thread, it's the fans of other teams dismissing the ability of they're ex players ala Tevez and Adebayor after they left which is the bullshit part.

Edit: Point of my post* not thread wouldn't like to ninja ownership of the JT thread!
Maineblue said:
Young_Kenny_The_Blue said:
your making us sound as bitter as they are. JT would be the greatest signin pulled off, not jus for us, but maybe in prem history. soz to sound nasty but dont come out with all this, "he wouldn't be any good anyway" because hat is jus BS.......... i for one am dyin to sign him.

Think you got the wrong end of the stick there fella, sorry the lack of ? at the end confused you so much, that's the point of my thread, it's the fans of other teams dismissing the ability of they're ex players ala Tevez and Adebayor after they left which is the bullshit part.

Edit: Point of my post* not thread wouldn't like to ninja ownership of the JT thread!

oh soz about that mate.
Young_Kenny_The_Blue said:
oh soz about that mate.

Not to worry young un, we both played a part in the mix up, let's just /hug(manly not gay!) and dream about lifting trophies and laughing at ManUre getting relagted.

Edit: and let's get it back on topic eh?

Please come JT you know you want too!!
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