John Terry [Merged]

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bobrivers said:
aspm19 said:
An FA Charge would probably not stick, because it was Chelsea
who put the Terry bid into the public domain after the 2nd bid went in
they published that they had turned it down on there website so therefore it was
Chelsea who went Public first Mark Hughes as always played is cards close when he as
been quizzed on Press conferences regarding transfers as everbody as seen he gives nothing away.

Your bids were turned down, and turned down in a manner that gives a clear message that Chelsea FC will not entertain further offers for the player in question.

The fact that after that Hughes continues to run his mouth about it puts him in a very precarious position. I don't know if he'll be reported,though.
Chelsea might not like it, but that doesn't make it illegal. Hughes has done nothing wrong and if Chelsea don't have the wherewithal to realise that our lawyers will have been all over the drafting of that statement then I'll lose even more respect for them.
Is Bobrivers a real name or are you that bitter little bugger Andy Jacobs from Talksport. He often talks about fan forums.
Chelsea No.12 said:
Hello, this is my first and probably last post on here - I'm just using this opportunity as a right to reply.

I don't have a problem with Manchester City or the money, but I did have a few problems with some of those comments and replies in the post I've quoted below.

Prophet of Doom said:
It wasn't a humiliation, it was a joke. We beat them twice in the league that year, 1-0, both times Gavin Peacock got the winner, then he hit he bar in the final, at 0-0, then after half-time David Elleray gave Manchester United two penalties that never were (which he has since gone onto say were his biggest mistakes in football), and we couldn't come back from that. To use a 'mockney' phrase - we woz robbed.

I'm not going to come on here and kid you that we weren't but we did have a couple of enjoyable cup runs in 1994 and 1995 even if we seemed to yoyo between 11th and 14th in the league every year.

A Walkeresque investment it wasn't. I can't speak for player wages, but in terms of expenditure, our net spend between 1990 and 2003 was £4 million LESS than yours and much less than some of the other teams knocking about at the top of the table, Leeds being the best example.

You're forgetting the one very important signing at that time - Glenn Hoddle as player/manager. Gullit wouldn't ever have come if Hoddle wasn't in charge. Hughes was probably a different case as he was a boyhood Chelsea fan but then with Gullit there, the knock on effect was clear and as our league position improved, and so did the quality of players who came to the club. After Gullit, Hughes, Vialli (who became the next man in charge), Di Matteo, Zola, Petrescu and Lebouef, there came Poyet, De Goey, Lebouef, Flo, Desailly. None of these players cost a great deal, half of them were free, and some were just shrewd signings - Flo cost ten times less than Lee Bradbury.
All of whom came for ambition and not money (Vialli had just won the chumps league with Juve before joining, step up or down you decide?)

Vialli was a free transfer and chose to link up with Gullit at Chelsea rather than go to Rangers. I think an odder signing that year was Ravanelli to Boro, a player who scored in that same Juve Champions League final and was arguably around the peak of his career.

Won League cup, FA Cup,

Cup Winners Cup
UEFA Super Cup

but still no title!

Ah, but the side had their chance in 1998/99, we finished 4 points of Man Utd in their treble season, but our two top scorers (Poyet - 19 and Flo - 18) missed seven months of the season, at one point we were playing with a semi retired Vialli and a 17 year old Mikael Forssell up front. If they had remained fit and if Poyet wasn't taken out by Patrick Coletter on Boxing day - we could have easily picked up an extra 4 points in the second half of the season.

but still no title!

But as I said before, we challenged, and not by spending inordinate amounts of cash - we just had a system of getting in experienced players like the ones mentioned above for relatively little money (I'll say it again, we spent £4m LESS than you between 1990 and 2003), and it worked. We signed some great professionals - you just have to look at how long many of them stayed at the club, or are still in England or who have gone into management - they weren't just take the money for a season and run types.

We became a stable top six team, that in the same period won more trophies than Leeds, West Ham, Newcastle, Tottenham, Aston Villa, Everton and Manchester City put together.

Harding passed away leaving Bates to take the club to the edge of ruin before sugar daddy number two, Abramovich, steps in and saves the day. More investment bringing Mourinho (had just won the chumps league with Porto before joining, step up or down you decide?)
and another glut of ambitious players (Tiago, Carvalho who had just won the chumps league with Porto before joining, step up or down you decide?) resulting in Two Prem titles!

The Premier League is a a bigger league than the Portuguese equivalent, he had won it twice and the UEFA Cup and the domestic cup and the Champions League - what else could he do at Porto? He wanted a change, so he joined a team that had just finished 2nd in England and turned them into winners. He took with him some players (Carvalho, Ferriera) he knew from his last club as ALL managers do (it happened last week with Hughes and Santa Cruz), and also some players he admired from elsewhere (Tiago/Drogba etc).

So despite TWO sugar daddies the total number of A list silverware over fourteen/fifteen years is TWO titles and no chumps leagues!! You must be very proud???
Very? Incredibly so.

Last season without European Football = 1996-7
Last season without finishing in the top 6 = 1995-96

FA Cup 1997, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2009 and Runners Up in 1994, 2002
League Cup 1998, 2005, 2007 and Runners Up in 2008
Premier League Title 2004-5, 2005-6, Runner up 2003-4, 2006-7, 2007-8
UEFA Cup Winners Cup 1998
UEFA Super Cup 1998
UEFA Champions League Runner Up 2008 (and we all know how close we were to winning that)

Well judging both Chelsea and Man City between 1990 and 2003, when we spent £4m LESS than you, I'd say we did a lot better. How many finals did City get into in that time frame, or semi finals, or top six finishes?

As from now on in, you did spend a fair bit to come tenth last season but now everyone's expecting you to break the top 4.

Let's compare us between 2003 and 2008 and you potentially between 2008 and 2013. If you win the league twice, finish runner up three times, appear in 8 different cup finals and win 6 then that'll be some achievement. Can you beat it? I doubt it.

Why not? Where did Chelsea finish in the league in May 1990?

why would this be your last post thats a constructive footballing argument imo and thats what this forum is all about.
welcome :)
Farmer Blue said:
Is Bobrivers a real name or are you that bitter little bugger Andy Jacobs from Talksport. He often talks about fan forums.
he cant be jacobs . . . . . this bob guy seems to keep relatively calm, jacobs by now would have blown his top and outed himself, the bitter little c**t,
Funny how none of the Chelsea players seem to have asked Terry about it before talking about him to the press lol. Not even 'Lamps'.

Couldn't be that they have, and he hasn't given them an answer that they can say publicly could it? Oh no.
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