Priority is not to repeat the transfer window of 2012 or 2014 summer. Winning the league and we sit back while rivals all strengthen and next season we arent even in the title race as we are off pace, defence leaking goals, midfield doesnt have same energy levels and new signings dont even good enough for first team.
We have 1 month left exactly and spent most of the window to try to sign Jorginho/Mahrez. Can we afford now not to get just either of them? Are pthe plan B options same quality or much less quality but maybe easier to get them quicker...
I thought the transfer window change (closing earlier) will benefit City as we will do our business very early (expected early June as both Jorginho/Mahrez was discussed already in April/May) but we are close to start of pre season and apart selling most of our better youngsters we havent done much transferwise.
We look like a club that is banking on the players only want to play for us and no rivals will come in for said players but in my mind there is little doubt that Jorginho and Mahrez would be happy to go to any top (or rich) CL team if those clubs can agree a deal with their clubs.