Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is today. Yesterday was Tuesday and tomorrow is Thursday but today is today.
Hopefully breakthrough today, for good. Has been a bizarre saga this.
And Friday is tomorrow today and yesterday plus one.Ah, but yesterday today was tomorrow.
I mean it’s not often a deal is made public, then everything seems to be on the verge of collapsing for the deal, then it’s all calm and talks were always positive and done in silence. So we expect it to be done in the next days, it’s very rare there’s this amount of confusionThis thread has been a bizarre saga. I suspect the negotiations were relatively simple.
Why do u get involved???Still wet behind the ears fella.
W5FYC... I've got underpants older than you.
(Sorry... older than u)
WowFYC... I've got underpants older than you. what
(Sorry... older than u)