As someone born in the middle of her reign and can remember very little I feel very numb to all this.
I'm not in the slightest bit offended by the fact this song has emerged in the charts or the partying and celebrating. It does however all feel very forced almost as if the News Channels went to a few SUs around the country and handed out a few fuck maggie t shirts, cheap champers and a few photocopies of her face to dance on, then shouted "action".
I also think being offended by any of this seems completely ridiculous, the woman has been ridiculed and openly despised for years by large sections of society. To suddenly be all "Well I never!" over seeing people 'revel' in her death as if you never saw it coming seems a bit naive.
She had a good innings not a sudden, untimely or tragic death. Throughout her long life she caused riots, civil unrest, mass unemployment and poverty. A cheeky song making it's way back up a chart list (That very few people over the age of 18 actually pay attention to) is hardly desecrating her memory. Christ, compare this song to the footage of Gadaffi's corpse being dragged out of that sewer pipe.
I don't think this song in the charts is a sign of the desensitising of a nation, I think it's more of an indication that most people in my generation (perhaps more likely to download music) are far more familiar with the Spitting Image puppet and charachatures that were constantly presented to us as we grew up, rather than with MT the person and have consequently given her a panto villian style send off.