Just a thought.......................

MaChine said:
MaxCityBlue said:
MaChine said:
I totally agree with you fellow. But it's better for many people here to accuse unjustly ( we have no confirmation yet) the man who helped the team to participate in the Champions league, than just to analyse the situation.
It is a kind of distraction from the poor performance.

I couldn't disagree with you more.

My beef with Tevez isn't about last Tuesday (although it was the last straw and he's definitely off my christmas card list). No! my problem with Tevez started last Jan/Feb when he started making rumblings about wanting to leave our club. My only criticism with Mancini is he didn't show him the door then.

The minute a player wants out - get rid.
I know of no player who has ever threatened to leave a club and later came out with a statement like "Oh! I'm so glad I stayed here, the last 5 years have been wonderful for me". That includes Shrek by the way and baconface's decision to keep him on will come back to bite scum on the arse. But that's just a bonus for us.

No - Mancini to stay for me. Any fan of our club who wants him out is almost guilty of sabotage. We've had too many managers over the past few years dismantling and then trying to rebuild a squad. Mancini has got us this far, it's about progress not perfection.
Ireland, Adebayor, Bellamy, SWP, now Tevez. I don't think these guys were too bad, and i don't think this manager is blameless

Stop thinking then you may hurt somebody. Ireland had discipline issues and didn't like training, Ade and Bellamy are you fucking joking not that bad ? one almost incites a riot at a match due to his huge fucking ego and the other is never out of the damned papers, golf clubs ?

Ade also threatened to sue us with a public rant at us when we told him to train with reserves and he refused to do so, bellamy and ade are also Hughes signings.

Why what do you know that we dont about Mancini ? obviously with this "thinking" your doing must be based on fact you know right ? Or is it a bias opinion because you were one of the tools who wanted Louis Van Ferginho as manager ?

He is doing his job to the best of his ability (an ability that won us our first trophy in years in his FIRST full season here) and all the players who are not cnuts show a great respect for him and his methods, i suggest they know more than you.

Sweep just didn't cut the mustard in Mancini's eyes and reluctantly 99% of us agree he maybe was a luxury player. Apart from that you named some of the most notorious headaches to manage in the prem give your head a wobble.

Bellamy: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1252178/Craig-Bellamy-involved-bust-Manchester-City-boss-Roberto-Mancini-training-regime.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... egime.html</a>

Ade: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2012485/Emmanuel-Adebayor-refuses-train-Manchester-City-reserves.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... erves.html</a>
Not read the whole thread, but I would think it's not to do with their actions but more to do with their intentions.

Do they want the club to succeed? Clearly, Mancini believes Balotelli does. I doubt you could argue a case for Tevez being particularly bothered in light of recent events.

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