Just been sacked

Is the 93 in your name the year you were born....... if so then your ex-boss obviously didn't realise that everyone your age knows everything and they are never in the wrong..... shame on your ex-boss for the naivety he has shown in not doing as you say rather than what he thought you should be doing.
smudgedj said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Tow the line mate and you'd still be in a job. In life people will always piss us off and we'd sometimes like to tell them all where to go, but sadly you have to bite your tongue at times. If you carry on shooting your mouth off like that, in 10 years time I will indeed 'want fries with that'.

Where's your self respect, you arse licking twat?...;-)

I have more self respect in my little finger than most. I don't suck dick or kiss ass, but I will show a manager total respect and carry out what I am told to do.
Mikem93 said:
Just been sacked for 'having opinions', I could understand this if my opinion was that the company is shit and the guys a royal **** and I was open about it, but it wasn't. My opinion was that there was no need for me to wear a waterproof coat on a hot, sunny Saturday morning.

This was an incident last week where he was telling me I should be wearing a waterproof coat in order to set an example for the kids in the session, now if it was raining, windy, snowing or cold in any way I would wear it but it was a hot sunny day and I told him that I didnt wear it for that reason and if there were any weather conditions where a coat would be necessary I would wear it.

Am I wrong in thinking that that wouldnt normally be a sackable offence as the conversation I had with him was in private after all session had ended and we were packing equipment away ?
All depends mate if what you said or did was classed as Gross Misconduct. He should have suspended you on full pay pending a disciplinary meeting. I advise you contact acas or the citizens advice
jimharri" I would seek advise[/quote]Not so sure about being given a 1st written warning for every different rule you break to be honest. Where I work it's the standard verbal warning said:
you said the session had ended. did your shift then end? if you finish the session at dead on 5 and it was 5.06 you had this discussion, it is out of working hours. if the coat is uniform it is your work attire, but weather permitting, it was not suitable for that day, so you had every right to take it off. no one can force you to keep an item of clothing on (unless it's the police and your planning to run round a playground in your birthday suit).

i'd ring him, ask him to explain why he sacked you, why does he think he is right in sacking you and if he acts a dick. tell him you are going to take him to an employment tribunal. all you need is his company number, name and address. that would not be gross misconduct for not taking a waterproof coat off on a day it is not needed. if the coat has a logo on it and he wants his logo to be seen, then as suitable attire, he should of provided you with a t-shirt to wear aswell. sounds a bit of a nob.

My session ended at 11:30 and this conversation was about half an hour later and about 10 minutes after every other session had finished

I was wearing uniform as the shirt I had on was the shirt which I had to wear every session and the coat has the same logo on it.

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
smudgedj said:
Where's your self respect, you arse licking twat?...;-)

I have more self respect in my little finger than most. I don't suck dick or kiss ass, but I will show a manager total respect and carry out what I am told to do.

I always showed him respect, was never late, never took a day off, never got into full blown arguments with him. I just gave him my opinion whereas the people no one else would, one person was entitled to a pay rise because they had passed their level two badge and didn't say anything because they didn't feel it was worth the trouble.

Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
Is the 93 in your name the year you were born....... if so then your ex-boss obviously didn't realise that everyone your age knows everything and they are never in the wrong..... shame on your ex-boss for the naivety he has shown in not doing as you say rather than what he thought you should be doing.

Yeah, you don't come across as a nob at all
Mikem93 said:
Yeah, you don't come across as a nob at all

great retort that, put me in my place didn't it, very articulate...... Now is that typical of how you respond because ............... you can see where i'm going can't you.

Oh by the way we would be very interested to hear your ex-gaffers side of the story .
What is a session? Is it a training session? Are you coaching young kids as a part-time job whilst at college? Or are you an adult working in a factory or whatever.
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
Mikem93 said:
Yeah, you don't come across as a nob at all

great retort that, put me in my place didn't it, very articulate...... Now is that typical of how you respond because ............... you can see where i'm going can't you.

Oh by the way we would be very interested to hear your ex-gaffers side of the story .

You were making assumptions about me as a person based on a negative stereotype of people my age. And I'd love to hear his side as well so if he's on here which I doubt as he's not a blue I welcome the opportunity to hear what he has to say.

Sorry about spelling and punctuation I'm on my phone

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