Just go..........

Marvin said:
M24 said:
I dont proclaim to be the biggest blue in the world.........
its called being a 'supporter'

you wanna try it sometime
Agree with you. Thankfully Bluemoon is no reflection of City's fan base, otherwise this football club would have died sometime shortly after 1999.

The more a team struggles, the more you support your team because they need it.

So if the team is struggling what's wrong with airing your views on how to improve it?
I come on here and give my point of view on certain aspects of the club on where i THINK we can improve as a club, it's my view only!!
Believe me that when that whistle blows at the start of the match they have my full support whoever the starting 11 are or who's in charge, i would never boo or call for a managers head at a game.
This is a Forum where people can vent there frustrations or cast there opinions on anything to do with City, it maybe right, it maybe wrong, that's why people come on here and make it the place it is at the end of the day!!

I could easily wait until things go totally tits up then jump on the bandwagon like a lot of others will that are lurking in the back ground but i choose not to.
You wait if we lose or draw to Hull this place will go into meltdown..........on the other hand if we get top 4 or win a cup this season i'll hold my hands up and say i was wrong!!

We'll see................
I think we all accept that the forum is a good place to debate, and talk about things we don't think are good enough, but the slide bewteen negativity and positivity (bit like being a football fan) is really magnified on here.

What's made myself and probably the OP angry (and caused my drunken outbursts Saturday) is this attitude has crept into the home and away match going following..not the normal moaning about City being s**t that we've been used to for years, but people who turn up and are outraged that we're not turning teams over left right and centre.

I honestly think the money has affected some fans in a way I didn't think possible.
OxBlue said:
I think we all accept that the forum is a good place to debate, and talk about things we don't think are good enough, but the slide bewteen negativity and positivity (bit like being a football fan) is really magnified on here.

What's made myself and probably the OP angry (and caused my drunken outbursts Saturday) is this attitude has crept into the home and away match going following..not the normal moaning about City being s**t that we've been used to for years, but people who turn up and are outraged that we're not turning teams over left right and centre.

I honestly think the money has affected some fans in a way I didn't think possible.

It was always going to happen OxBlue tbh
I remember being in the Chelsea end once when we played them at the Bridge the season Lampard weighed in with loads of goals, he made one bad pass and people around me saying get him off he's shit.
Expectation levels rise through the roof!!

My beef isn't with the players as i think we've got a squad that can finish top 4, i just don't think he's the right man that can take us there!
PaulPowerShower said:
M24 said:
I do want to win games pal............every single one......thats what being a supporter does.
However, i'm not so deluded to believe that we have a devine right to win every game.
If we dont win I still support them......not slag them off like some (lots) on here.
My point was that if you are not prepared to support the team, through thick and thin, then just go.........because if you dont, in my eyes, that doesnt make you a supporter......simple really
I do support them but somethimes they dont deserve my support - Sat was a shambles - Im a fan but Im not blind - I dont mind getting beaten by a better team but it drives me nuts when we keep beating ourelves

Sat was a shambles
Really? You haven't been a blue long if you think saturday was a shambles. A draw at Anfield is certainly not! 4 weeks ago, they beat the champions.. convincingly.
M24 said:
The so-called fans on this forum who just moan/slag city off all the time, why dont you all just go and watch another team.
If you cant 'support' the team dont bother at all.
hang on a minute you complete and utter tit, you've come on to a forum that is for people to discuss their thoughts and concerns about their club and you're having a go at people for doing just that?
you are a nob of the highest order pal.
if you want to start a forum where people are only allowed to say nice things about city (call it the fookin lar de da weve got our eyes closed and we cant stand the truth forum) then feel free to do so but dont come on here preaching to people about what they think.
im very happy with the development at our club but like some on here im very dissapointed in the team and manager for the form we have shown in recent games, does that make me a bad supporter?
levets said:
PaulPowerShower said:
I do support them but somethimes they dont deserve my support - Sat was a shambles - Im a fan but Im not blind - I dont mind getting beaten by a better team but it drives me nuts when we keep beating ourelves

Sat was a shambles
Really? You haven't been a blue long if you think saturday was a shambles. A draw at Anfield is certainly not! 4 weeks ago, they beath the champions.. convincingly.
yeah but all the other games that were a shambles we hadnt just spent 300 million had we?
bluesyob said:
levets said:
Sat was a shambles
Really? You haven't been a blue long if you think saturday was a shambles. A draw at Anfield is certainly not! 4 weeks ago, they beat the champions.. convincingly.

yeah but all the other games that were a shambles we hadnt just spent 300 million had we?

and? your point is? do you really think we should be turning the likes of Liverpool over on a regular basis?

It may happen in the future... but not just yet.

Your response is typical of those that the OP refers to.
mammutly said:
Speaking as one of the most consistently positive posters on the forum, I think I'm entitled to say that the OP is a cheeky twat. Here 5 minutes and telling people what that they can and can't say...pft.. unbelievable!

Hughes out!

What does the number of posts have to do with it?

personally, those with 4000 + posts are either, students, jobless, scamming their employers or don't have a life beyond the internet
levets said:
bluesyob said:
yeah but all the other games that were a shambles we hadnt just spent 300 million had we?

and? your point is? do you really think we should be turning the likes of Liverpool over on a regular basis?
i think that after spending that kind of money we should be yes so take your small time attitude and go support qpr
It may happen in the future... but not just yet.

Your response is typical of those that the OP refers to.
CHT said:
If your consistently positive surely your of the same opinion as the OP ............He refers to people who do nothing but moan and criticise , especially when its not constructive ............Unfortunately this influx of money has turned a lot of supporters into deluded clowns who think we have a right to roll over every team ....We dont ...

I think it's just the present day mentality.. 'I want it now' syndrome.
Nearly 35 years of shit means I'm prepared to be a bit more patient.

All this Hughes out mentality is counter productive and shows what a bunch of smacked arse spoilt brats some blues are. Mansour & Khaldoon will ultimately decide the fate of MH, not some doughnut on here who happens to have 4000 + posts.. ;-)

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