Just go..........

PaulPowerShower said:
M24 said:
I do want to win games pal............every single one......thats what being a supporter does.
However, i'm not so deluded to believe that we have a devine right to win every game.
If we dont win I still support them......not slag them off like some (lots) on here.
My point was that if you are not prepared to support the team, through thick and thin, then just go.........because if you dont, in my eyes, that doesnt make you a supporter......simple really
I do support them but somethimes they dont deserve my support - Sat was a shambles - Im a fan but Im not blind - I dont mind getting beaten by a better team but it drives me nuts when we keep beating ourelves

They dont 'deserve' your support ?
that is not what being a supporter is about..........you should support them win or lose, played well or played shit....
The thing that has made me so proud over the years ive been supporting city is that the fans have always remained loyal and supported the team in the bad times, and jesus, theres been a lot of bad times........but not once has my support for city dwindled..........and never will.
blueinsa said:
M24 said:
The so-called fans on this forum who just moan/slag city off all the time, why dont you all just go and watch another team.
If you cant 'support' the team dont bother at all.

M24...The biggest and bestest blue in all the world!

Do you run courses on how to be like you?

I dont proclaim to be the biggest blue in the world.........
its called being a 'supporter'

you wanna try it sometime
M24 said:
blueinsa said:
M24...The biggest and bestest blue in all the world!

Do you run courses on how to be like you?

I dont proclaim to be the biggest blue in the world.........
its called being a 'supporter'

you wanna try it sometime
Agree with you. Thankfully Bluemoon is no reflection of City's fan base, otherwise this football club would have died sometime shortly after 1999.

The more a team struggles, the more you support your team because they need it.
Marvin said:
M24 said:
I dont proclaim to be the biggest blue in the world.........
its called being a 'supporter'

you wanna try it sometime
Agree with you. Thankfully Bluemoon is no reflection of City's fan base, otherwise this football club would have died sometime shortly after 1999.

The more a team struggles, the more you support your team because they need it.

Spot on.
M24 said:
blueinsa said:
M24...The biggest and bestest blue in all the world!

Do you run courses on how to be like you?

I dont proclaim to be the biggest blue in the world.........
its called being a 'supporter'

you wanna try it sometime

I have done fella, for the last 30 years, thanks.
CHT said:
If your consistently positive surely your of the same opinion as the OP ............He refers to people who do nothing but moan and criticise , especially when its not constructive ............Unfortunately this influx of money has turned a lot of supporters into deluded clowns who think we have a right to roll over every team ....We dont ...

Agreed.. every week you can come on here and it's either Bridge is shit, Lescott is shit, SWP is shit, Johnsons an ale-can,Adebayor is lazy.....yawn... depending on who is up for scapegoat of the week. People on here think we should automatically finish top 4 because of the money & if we don't win every game then someone has to be blamed. Like someone said on here the other day, it wasn't that many years ago we lost to the dippers twice in 4 days 4-0 & 6-0.
It's not gonna happen overnight. My realistic ambitions were to finish top 6 with hopefully a cup run beyond the quarters for a change, whilst giving the team time to gel. Were still on track with that and whist we all want a win every week it's not gonna happen.
Try & look a bit more positively, we are fúcking hard to beat!! When was the last season you could say that.
Soulboy said:
M24 said:
I assume the OP is me ?
You scare me pal

Oh Shit!

A massive 26 posts into his career, and we have a Gangsta-Blue in our midst!


A massive 26 posts to his career? I didn't realise the amount of posts you have on Bluemoon denotes how big a fan you are.

Please point out to me where he has claimed to be a 'Gangsta-Blue' as you put it?

Grow up.
mammutly said:
M 24 is a better fan than all of us put together.

We have a superstar in our midst

please explain your reasoning for this quote.....
i'm intrigued.........

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