Justice doesn't exists in this country


Well-Known Member
15 May 2007
Consciously looking at problems from different ang
I'm so fucking pissed of at the moment with the Police and the Crown prosecution services as there a joke. Basically i've posted on here before about my brother being mugged by two scum bags (i'll call them A and B for simplicity and possible legal reasons) for his mobile phone and wallet.

The short version of the mugging incident is the scum bags chased my brother with a car and nearly ran him over. Scum bag A jumped out of the car and tried to take his wallet and mobile phone of him. My brother started to fight with him so scum bag B jumped out of the car with a chain wrapped around his hand and the pair and the cunts beat the living daylights out of him.

My brother was 18 at the time, they're in there 30's and are professional scum with previous for this. Anyway at the end of the day there was CCTV evidence, DNA evidence they where caught with the mobile phone and there sentance was a joke. Scum bag A got let of with it, scum bag B got a 12 month suspended sentance and a little over 100 hours community service.

Now the above was enough to piss me off in a big way with the Police and the C.P.S. but it gets even worse. Since then scum bag A that got of with it has been intimidating my mam, my sister and her fella. When they go to pick up the kids from school as scum bag A has kids in the same school and they've also been going at them in the general area. This culminated with an incident earlier in the week were scum bag A threatened to kill my 9 year old niece and tried to attack my mother in front of my brother the one that got mugged.

So scum bag A got a major kicking of my brother and my dad who turned up as my mam panicked and phoned him before it all kicked off. Anyway the police turned up while my dad and brother were giving this guy a kicking and arrested my dad and my brother. Long story short my dad was released with out charge and my brother got a caution although we've found out now scum bag A can still press charges (i'm not sure if that's right). Also while in custody my dad refused the duty solicitor and the solicitor my mam appointed (without my dad knowing) was refused access to see my father, thanks for that GMP.

To top it all off my brothers eyesight has gone really bad recently and hes just had an eye test. According to the eye test people scum bag A and fucking B have damaged something in the back of my brothers eyes. Which is going to cause him in a short period of time (his eyesight has already massively deteriorated over the last 18 moths) to go fucking BLIND basically ruining his fucking life unless he gets an eye transplant.
Why are you putting up with that crap, get a cricket bat and go and sort it out. If someone made my brother blind he wouldn't be eating solid food. Ever.
Challenger1978 said:
smudgedj said:
Why are you putting up with that crap, get a cricket bat and go and sort it out. If someone made my brother blind he wouldn't be eating solid food. Ever.

If i do can i come stay with you in bolivia ? (ur location) as the twats wont be breathing when i'm done with them.

Yes you can, I'll even try to find a job for you!
The Police and CPS arrested and brought the two scumbags to justice. They do not pass sentence, so the poultry amount handed to scumbag A and B is not their fault.

Regarding the incident at school, the Police have no option, especially turning up as the scumbag was receiving a kicking from your Dad and Brother. I think that with only one receiving a caution the Police handled it as lightly as possible. Your Brother could always have rejected the option to a caution and taken his chances in court or, whether the CPS would even have seen fit to prosecute. Bearing in mind that he received no legal advice, why doesn't he appeal the caution?

And as someone with really shitty eyesight myself, I feel awfully sad for your Brother.
Here's one for you,my nephew soft as shit and very kind and gentle,got into an altercation over someone attacking his mate on a night out.Anyway he swung a defensive punch just the one in self defense,this coward went straight down .While he was down someone else who wouldnt come forward and did a runner laid the boot in and apparently broke this twats jaw.Bear in mind he has never ever been in anykind of trouble ,always been in full employment and his boss who kept his job for him was willing to put his business up as bail.Anyway i'm not shitting you he got TWO YEARS.
I was mugged before Christmas (Not as bad as that) for my wallet and phone by 2 nobheads with an axe. Phoned the Police and I was giving a statement for about 2 hours and then they go, "There have been about 6 or 7 incidents of the same description around this area over the last month". Why not do something about it then? Waste of space.
The Pink Panther said:
The Police and CPS arrested and brought the two scumbags to justice. They do not pass sentence, so the poultry amount handed to scumbag A and B is not their fault.

Regarding the incident at school, the Police have no option, especially turning up as the scumbag was receiving a kicking from your Dad and Brother. I think that with only one receiving a caution the Police handled it as lightly as possible. Your Brother could always have rejected the option to a caution and taken his chances in court or, whether the CPS would even have seen fit to prosecute. Bearing in mind that he received no legal advice, why doesn't he appeal the caution?

And as someone with really shitty eyesight myself, I feel awfully sad for your Brother.

The DNA evidence went missing, the evidence that proved the phone was my brothers went missing, the CCTV footage went missing. The evidence was there the day before but on the day of the trial it magically all went missing.
The judicial system in this country is set up to protect the interests of business and property, not individuals. It disgusts me that so many serial scumbags get off with cautions or are just not even held to account.

My faith in the justice system has long since evaporated.

Anybody who does that to me or my family WILL have a cricket bat put around their heads and fuck the consequences.

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