Justice doesn't exists in this country

Challenger1978 said:
I'm so fucking pissed of at the moment with the Police and the Crown prosecution services as there a joke. Basically i've posted on here before about my brother being mugged by two scum bags (i'll call them A and B for simplicity and possible legal reasons) for his mobile phone and wallet.

The short version of the mugging incident is the scum bags chased my brother with a car and nearly ran him over. Scum bag A jumped out of the car and tried to take his wallet and mobile phone of him. My brother started to fight with him so scum bag B jumped out of the car with a chain wrapped around his hand and the pair and the ***** beat the living daylights out of him.

My brother was 18 at the time, they're in there 30's and are professional scum with previous for this. Anyway at the end of the day there was CCTV evidence, DNA evidence they where caught with the mobile phone and there sentance was a joke. Scum bag A got let of with it, scum bag B got a 12 month suspended sentance and a little over 100 hours community service.

Now the above was enough to piss me off in a big way with the Police and the C.P.S. but it gets even worse. Since then scum bag A that got of with it has been intimidating my mam, my sister and her fella. When they go to pick up the kids from school as scum bag A has kids in the same school and they've also been going at them in the general area. This culminated with an incident earlier in the week were scum bag A threatened to kill my 9 year old niece and tried to attack my mother in front of my brother the one that got mugged.

So scum bag A got a major kicking of my brother and my dad who turned up as my mam panicked and phoned him before it all kicked off. Anyway the police turned up while my dad and brother were giving this guy a kicking and arrested my dad and my brother. Long story short my dad was released with out charge and my brother got a caution although we've found out now scum bag A can still press charges (i'm not sure if that's right). Also while in custody my dad refused the duty solicitor and the solicitor my mam appointed (without my dad knowing) was refused access to see my father, thanks for that GMP.

To top it all off my brothers eyesight has gone really bad recently and hes just had an eye test. According to the eye test people scum bag A and fucking B have damaged something in the back of my brothers eyes. Which is going to cause him in a short period of time (his eyesight has already massively deteriorated over the last 18 moths) to go fucking BLIND basically ruining his fucking life unless he gets an eye transplant.

Jeez it made me angry just reading that, im sorry for you.

The justice system in this country is rotton to the core. In 20 years time it wouldnt surprise me if we are all carrying guns and running red lights.
PSmyth07 said:
I was mugged before Christmas (Not as bad as that) for my wallet and phone by 2 nobheads with an axe. Phoned the Police and I was giving a statement for about 2 hours and then they go, "There have been about 6 or 7 incidents of the same description around this area over the last month". Why not do something about it then? Waste of space.

Because our 'over stretched' police would be more likely to be found behind a hedge with a speed camera.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
PSmyth07 said:
I was mugged before Christmas (Not as bad as that) for my wallet and phone by 2 nobheads with an axe. Phoned the Police and I was giving a statement for about 2 hours and then they go, "There have been about 6 or 7 incidents of the same description around this area over the last month". Why not do something about it then? Waste of space.

Because our 'over stretched' police would be more likely to be found behind a hedge with a speed camera.
No your wrong BB they dont even have to do that anymore, they have plenty of speed cameras doing it for them. Lets face it we no longer have a Police Force we have a farce. Sack the lot of them. Lets face it, its not as if we would miss them! and while I am at it get rid of the CPS (Criminal Protection Service) and the fat liberal judges.
Careful OP, The liberal police are in full force 24/7 on this board
Newlunar said:
TheMightyQuinn said:

The police and whole justice system is in place to protect property and business not people.

They police by consent don't they? If everyone has lost faith in them, why are they still here? Start a movement to remove the police service from existance. Then everyone can go around sorting their problems out with a cricket bat and life will be just fucking peachy.Spare a thought for the elderley and vulnerable mind and turn the light out as you leave.

You've nearly got it right newlunar except for the second incident, which i can't go into to much detail as this is on going. Basically this didn't happen outside a school this happend near some shops. Scum bag A started to gob it of to my mam, my mam panicked and phoned my dad up to get there fast incase he did somthing.

My mam came out of the shop when she couldn't see scum bag A anymore and went back to her car. Back at the car scum bag A is shouting his head off at my brother and my 9 year old niece and banging fuck out of the car window (my brother didnt know who it was as his eyesight is that bad). My mam ran over and screamed at him to get away from the car. Scum bag A turned around and went to punch me mam. My brother jumped out of the car and started to kick fuck out of scum bag A. At which point my dad turned up in his car and seeing this ran over to help my brother. Within minutes of that happening the police turned up and arressted both my brother and my dad.

Anyway this is all besides the point my brother was mugged for his wallet and mobile phone, he's going to go blind now because of the attack. On top of that you've got all this on going grief and all these bastards got was fuck all for scum bag A and a 12 month suspended sentance plus 100+ hours community service for scum bag b. What happend to criminals going down for a couple of years if they rob a mobile phone.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/fouryear-prison-term-for-mobile-phone-mugger--acirc-671876.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/cr ... 71876.html</a>


<a class="postlink" href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1789514.stm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1789514.stm</a>

Offenders are being told to expect a jail sentence - in some cases of five years or more.


<a class="postlink" href="http://www.v3.co.uk/vnunet/news/2117413/mobile-muggers-five-years" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.v3.co.uk/vnunet/news/2117413 ... five-years</a>

Mobile muggers could face jail sentences of up to five years under guidelines laid down yesterday by the UK's most senior judge, Lord Woolf the Lord Chief Justice.

Is there really no room in jail for these bastards ?.

BTW the only reason i posted this on here last night was because i only found out a couple of hours before that my brother was going to go blind. I swear to god i was so fucking angry it felt like my head was going to explode so i just needed to get it off my chest a little otherwise i'd of been on the news today for doing somthing very bad.

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