Katie Hopkins

foetus said:
bluethrunthru said:
Having piss ripped out of her by Charlie Brooker right now - to be fair its like shooting fish in a barrel for him !!

Shooting cake in a barell, its catchy!
I'm not a fan of Katie Hopkins, but was funny see her rip the piss out of that knobhead Kelly Osbourne who's an absolute tool.
bluethrunthru said:
foxy said:
I'm not a fan of Katie Hopkins, but was funny see her rip the piss out of that knobhead Kelly Osbourne who's an absolute tool.

Fuck me what number is " The Intellectual Channel " on SKY ?? Could be worth a look with this calibre of debate !!

There's no intellectual channels on sky. Intellectuals read.. ;)
Don't know if anyone watched this, didn't see it myself but read about it today. But this little bit of TV gold for me between the oxygen thief and Anabel Giles.

Initially the pair appeared to trade insults as at one point Hopkins, having irked the model turned I’m A Celebrity contestant with her constant hand gestures, told her ‘I’ll point where I like’ as she launched into a tirade against benefit claimants.

However Giles soon got her own back as Hopkins questioned the audience’s need to applaud presenter Matthew Wright’s support of claimants, pointing out: ‘Katie darling…the grown-ups are talking. We agree with him because he’s right and you’re wrong, that’s why.’

She's a horrible tripe, only at the weekend did she tweet this...

Katie Hopkins ‏@KTHopkins Feb 1
40% of adults in Manchester do les than 30 minutes of activity a week. Time to hand out benefits at the top of twenty flights of stairs

What a horrible silver spoon wanker.
foxy said:
She's a horrible tripe, only at the weekend did she tweet this...

Katie Hopkins ‏@KTHopkins Feb 1
40% of adults in Manchester do les than 30 minutes of activity a week. Time to hand out benefits at the top of twenty flights of stairs

What a horrible silver spoon wanker.

Just like the other fuckwits who had their weekly tirade column in the Sun like Clarkson and Littlejohn they are just Wind Up Merchants putting their names to bollocks pieces of crap to stoke up hatred. Goebbels would be proud as idiots buy it.

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