Okay let's add a dose of realism here. You will have an opinion and believe its well informed. You don't believe yourself to be stupid or easily led. I will feel exactly the same. Most people also see themselves that way.
To make life easier lets discuss something we agree on. We both think this govt is shite and needs getting rid of. But there will be lots of things we disagree on. Have I been brainwashed on those subjects? Has the media got me? Maybe I'm just stupid so my dislike for the tories must mean the tories are great coz I'm stupid.
The simple fact is self interest and stupidity will be present amongst all supporters of all parties. The media whether it is papers tv or the Internet is full of differing opinions. What are the majority doing? Can they not sell papers or work a phone. Are they incapable of selling their ideas?
Currently the majority of the population are to the left of this government. So I would be asking how is it possible they can have a huge majority. Where do the majority get there views from? It can't be the daily mail.
If a minority rules over the majority who are the daft ones allowing it to happen?
The opposition parties could get rid of them for a long time and make this country better for those who need help. To do it you need the biggest opposition parry onside. That is Labour and they won't do it.
So I shan't be voting for Labour or getting a semi when Starmer in opposition says he will do better. Any fucker can do that.