
I read a book about all of Loach's films.
Originally the kids were told they would not be hit and it would be shot from behind to make it look like they were hit.
2 mins before shooting the scene, the head is told to hit them......Loach said it was the only way to get the authentic response from the kids from being hit......
Once the original shoot was over Loach wanted to do a few more takes and the kids refused - but as you correctly said, they came to an agreement for 50p for each further whack (the kids were on £11 a day) - all apart from the little kid who had only gone there to deliver a note. He was exempt from further whacks.

Fantastic film that I never fail to watch once a year. Remember showing it to my kids when they were at North Manchester High School for Girls and they didn't believe that us kids going to school in the 60's and 70's were treated to such brutal regimes
I read that too that the lads reaction was genuine.

Another story I read was that Brian Glover was an amateur wrestler, and he turned up for filming one day after being in a bout the night before. He had been well and truly hammered by his opponent and his face was in such a state he was nearly replaced by the director.

It's a brilliant film, and I read an interesting interview a few years ago by the lad who played Casper, David Bradley.

He said the film never really gained ground in America because they asked for a slushy ending which Ken Loach refused to change, and it's all the better for it.
Try watching a couple of Ken Loach's later films, Bill.
I,Daniel Blake and also Sorry We Missed You are both update dramas telling different stories about the harsh realities of everyday life in modern Britain, particularly for people on low incomes or living on benefits.
Both films are really well written,with great acting and outstanding story lines.
Highly recommended!!
Sweet Sixteen is brilliant too. The Angel's Share isn't bad too. Both set in Glasgow, I think.
Absolutely one of the best films ever made and when i tell the young lads at work to watch it, they say they don't fancy it - aaaahgghhh, anyway if only Billy would have put that bloody bet on!!
Has anyone said "my dad's heavyweight champion of the world" yet?

If not, I've just said it.
When it was first released at the flicks, loads of southern jessies demanded their money back because they couldn't understand a word that was said.
I've just noticed in my TV guide that there is another great film on after Kes on Saturday night at 11.20 pm.
The Missionary stars Michael Palin and is about him trying to avoid carnal temptation whilst working amongst "the fallen women" of The East End in late 19th century London.And all the while having to avoid lust of his main sponsor who happens to be Maggie Smith!!
Interesting documentary on the BBC iplayer about Ken Loach - called Versus - The Life And Films Of Ken Loach. Discusses a lot of his films including Kes
Try watching a couple of Ken Loach's later films, Bill.
I,Daniel Blake and also Sorry We Missed You are both update dramas telling different stories about the harsh realities of everyday life in modern Britain, particularly for people on low incomes or living on benefits.
Both films are really well written,with great acting and outstanding story lines.
Highly recommended!!
I just watched Land and Freedom again. I, Daniel Blake was magnificent and should be shown to every child aged 10 and above

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