Khaldoons End of Season Interview

It’s very frustrating for fans that love the club but his softly, softly strategy seems to be playing out pretty well. Some Liverpool senior execs did leave under circumstances that seemed strange at the time. I think one was the CEO when they won their only PL title if I recall correctly.
They have lost two Sporting Directors, who both used to work for City. They left for no apparent reason and our media decided not to investigate what looks like a major news story. You can draw your own conclusions from that.
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I just think that the hierarchy are far too cosy with the rags, Liverpool etc.
I understand about 'keeping your enemies close' and such, but these are clubs that are actively trying to get City thrown out of top level football.
The fact that our hierarchy were 'up' for joining a Super League spoke volumes.
Yes, they've built a wonderful club here, but much of our traditional/local support is in serious danger of being priced out and left behind, simply to attract tourists etc.

I honestly can't help but thinking about smiling assassins every time Khaldoon does his end of season report.
1) What are you basing that on?
2) They had to as all their competitors were if the ESL had worked we would have been financially at a disadvantage so had to at least join to be in the conversation. It was noteworthy that we pulled out first when we saw the way the winds were blowing
3) I disagree I have been in the Platt Lane and North Stand since we moved and there are still the same faces around me.

Yes tickets have got more expensive but so has everything else. This is a business the tickets will sell and who buys them the club doesnt care and nor should it really
Khaldoon didn’t answer the premier charges question but also he kind of did. Unless he is a master manipulator then it looks like what we all thought…charges are noting but a stick to beat us with because we have created a monster.

He could have squirmed and started to use corporate language to avoid. Legally he can’t say anything which is to be expected but his “blunt” comment and I will speak to you once the case is settled tells its own story. The club is a success. It’s that simple. No paying off the books, no fake sponsors.

A well run football club which I suppose is a rarity. I take nothing but confidence from his words. The media can crow all they want. It’s a non starter.

Khaldoon’s on fire, the red shite are terrified, Khaldoon’s on fire, huh! Na-na-na-na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na -:)
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I for one miss the regularity of Swales’ cosy chats with Granada reports, explaining why Mel Machin had to go and how the new one-way system introduced to the club shop was going to transform our finances.
i still piss myself when swales say's" you know would'd do a job for us now the one we just got rid off"
It’s another World though PB.

While sometimes it seems like City leave the fans to do the fighting for them I think there is a message there.

Most operations would look at the negative PR we have had for years and wonder why we don’t fight. It’s become apparent that, while the fans might be annoyed, the club itself know it’s all noise and not to get distracted from its targets.

The club being named the Number One Football Brand in the World, despite the noise, is testament that what other people say is having little effect. Khaldoon could have ignored that report, as it’s one of many, but instead he stressed it.

The best way to combat our detractors is to keep on track and not be pulled into petty arguments. The fact that everyone else is trying to throw us of course is a good sign or they wouldn’t be bothered about us. City don’t get bogged down in it like we do and while our competition are wasting their time plotting against us,they aren’t improving themselves. In some respects this does not hurt City.

If there is a lesson here it’s ignore the noise and don’t react to it because that is exactly what they want. Khaldoon would never actively say to the fans don’t get involved but their actions show the way forward. Keep positive and only react when absolutely necessary.

On the field we are winning everything. It might look passive but it’s destroying the opposition. City absolutely know what they are doing and it certainly isn’t being passive and open to humiliation.

What have our American red friends got to show for their campaign against us? Relegated to celebrating a top 4 place and looking to sell their clubs.Now that’s defeat and humiliation.

We are not just winning, we are pulverising them, just not the way you think we should.
Outstanding post.

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