Khaldoons End of Season Interview

I think it was quite telling that he DID NOT say that we are innocent of all charges and that we will be fully vindicated through the legal process. Why did he NOT say that, I wonder?

I can think of three reasons.

1. Our lawyers have told him to say nothing. There's nothing to be read into it, it's just a good policy to say nothing in case anything you do say may be taken out of context or even damage your case in some way, so silence is the safe option. Quite possible, IMO.

2. He's aware of developments in the case which he cannot comment upon, such as we're reaching agreement to get all serious charges dropped provided we agree to a slapped wrist for trivial non-compliance such as not providing required documentation? Again, possible, IMO.

3. He knows we're in a tight spot and doesn't want to look like a prat by telling everyone we're completely innocent only to be found guilty on some counts later. And OBVIOUSLY he can't say well we're probably guilty on some counts. So he has to say nothing.

I really do not know how to read it, but I do think his silence on the matter is significant. I am inclined to think (2) above, if I had to pick.
I think it's less likely to be 3 than the others. Of course, even if we've done nothing wrong we still don't know for sure how it will go but I think it was telling that he said he will have a lot to say when it's concluded. That doesn't sound like the musings of a guilty man - more of one who thinks the charges are bullshit, that we'll come out on top, and that he'll go after the perpetrators if/when we clear our name.
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His missus is pregnant, she isn't a fan of Manchester restaurants and Gundo thinks his legs might go on a bit longer playing in a less stressful league?

As a free agent he can earn a huge wedge, and he's going out at the absolute pinnacle.

I think the timing is right for him to leave and, much as we hate to lose legends, he will always be one here.
Good points, but he’s done 7 years, a 3 year deal at City would give him the magical 10 and a statue!?

If he leaves I’ll wish him well unless he’s playing against us or joins either Vermin or the Scum, which he won’t!

If I had to choose one of Gundogan or Bernardo to stay I’d probably choose Bernardo but that’s harsh on Gundogan, I’ll be eternally thankful for his contribution at City
Haemorrhoids playing up again Col?
No, but I'm a bit constipated. At least you made me laugh. I should be so chilled as I'm having a pleasant week relaxing in Wales.

I know I'm coming over as ungrateful for everything they've done for us but I'm really not. I had tears rolling down my face when I got inside the Atatürk stadium at the sheer emotion of watching my team as favourites in a CL final. I know I'm so blessed to be watching us at the greatest time in our history.

But having spent 4 years working closely with the club's operational management team, and getting increasingly frustrated about how they pay lip service to us but simply don't seem to get us in any meaningful sense.

Khaldoon is an exceptional communicator and a joy to listen to but the platitudes just wash over me these days.
No, but I'm a bit constipated. At least you made me laugh. I should be so chilled as I'm having a pleasant week relaxing in Wales.

I know I'm coming over as ungrateful for everything they've done for us but I'm really not. I had tears rolling down my face when I got inside the Atatürk stadium at the sheer emotion of watching my team as favourites in a CL final. I know I'm so blessed to be watching us at the greatest time in our history.

But having spent 4 years working closely with the club's operational management team, and getting increasingly frustrated about how they pay lip service to us but simply don't seem to get us in any meaningful sense.

Khaldoon is an exceptional communicator and a joy to listen to but the platitudes just wash over me these days.
Fair enough mate.
I just think that the hierarchy are far too cosy with the rags, Liverpool etc.
I understand about 'keeping your enemies close' and such, but these are clubs that are actively trying to get City thrown out of top level football.
The fact that our hierarchy were 'up' for joining a Super League spoke volumes.
Yes, they've built a wonderful club here, but much of our traditional/local support is in serious danger of being priced out and left behind, simply to attract tourists etc.

I honestly can't help but thinking about smiling assassins every time Khaldoon does his end of season report.
As someone (sorry I can't see the post now) said earlier, we are destroying the hateful clubs on the FIELD, not only destroying them, ANNIHILATION would be a more appropriate term!
Whatever he decides will be fine by us, but we also need to be mindful of the message we can send to other targets in the next couple of years, especially with Kevin also in his last knockings.
The signings in future windows may be affected by the Pep situation, let's not kid ourselves that Baldy is a huge draw for the top players and top up and coming players.

If there is any speculation in 12 months time that Pep is calling time on us that may impact us.

Although I personally think he will be staying longer.
Having read the last ten pages of the thread, I am quite surprised by some reactions to the interview.

I think some—who I otherwise considered fairly astute individuals—are being blinded by personal frustrations and anger over the abuse they get from rival fans.

Those seemingly calling for a ‘scorched earth’ type of campaign from our management against the forces trying to teardown the club are being quite naive. If you study such strategies, you’ll find that they often ultimately harm the entities carrying them out nearly as much as those entities on the receiving end. Any gains are almost always short-lived; the resulting losses are felt more acutely and for longer, as well.

Our management is aware that they operate in the same environment as our enemies, and simply burning it to the ground is not going to benefit the club, as we would just then struggle to operate in a wasteland.

Could they expose the corruption, collusion, and criminality of the Premier League and UEFA? Knowing our management and owners, I imagine they likely have enough evidence to do that, if they wanted. But doing so would harm the club almost as much as our rivals and attackers. They understand that the club’s revenue right now is largely dependent on the overall success and legitimacy of the leagues we play in, even if the current brass of the leagues are trying to tear us down.

We can’t burn down the factory because management is trying to nefariously get us sacked and then expect to keep working at the same wage.

But we can slowly, quietly, methodically cull the elements within the leagues, organisations, and rival clubs attempting to destroy us, thereby reducing the harm to our club whilst preserving the benefits.

And to those wishing the club would be more vocal about the organised attack we have experienced for many years now—and “not leave it to the fans”—that is not how this type of combat works. Quite a lot of what the club could do will be subject to legal, regulatory, and commercial consequences.

We as fans are free to say and do whatever we want, with mostly only our own individual responsibilities and consequences to consider. Yes, we can reflect poorly on the club—and even directly expose it to negative consequences—if we act irresponsibly, either on our own or collectively, and I have talked about the harm that can come to the club from that.

But, generally, that does not compare to the jeopardy the club can experience if they act in the same overly-aggressive manner. There are potentially sweeping and comprehensive consequences to that tactic that they have to be very careful to avoid. Many that would impact we the fans, as well.

We may not like the ‘softly, softly’ approach as fans, because we have to live with the ignorant, often vitriolic abuse from rival fans every day. But there is no real alternative that does not pose penalties on our club that we would also decry. Our management are not patronising or misleading us. They are acting in the only way that balances fighting the collective action against the club with maintaining a strong and successful enterprise, capable of continuing the fight long after most of our enemies have sunken back in to the dark depths from which they came.

Just as our owners, management, staff, and players do, we have to assess the complexities of every battle individually, whilst also never losing sight of the war itself.

And the war must ultimately be ended with our club being one of the entities standing in strength, not by destroying everything, including ourselves.

Every fan has a right to be an armchair general. But I don’t think we are in a better position to understand the full complexities, challenges, consequences, and opportunities of the theatres the club are fighting in. Even those of us that have worked directly with the club in various capacities will not be aware of all of the variables and pieces in play. Nor could we fully predict the possible outcomes of various strategies. Only our management team is in a position to be able to do that to any decent level, and even they struggle with it at times, I am sure.

As someone that has a background in fraud detection and prevention, and has worked in the fraught environments and situations in which such investigations and interventions take place, I can say with experience that bombastic approaches almost always fail miserably.

I, for one, think City’s brass are doing an exceptional job in an extremely hostile environment. In fact, given the outcome with the UEFA charges and the Super League debacle, I am not sure they could have done any better, really.

I personally think we all need to meditate on the proverb “be careful what you wish for”. It may help us feel better about how the club are choosing to go about things.
Good points, but he’s done 7 years, a 3 year deal at City would give him the magical 10 and a statue!?

If he leaves I’ll wish him well unless he’s playing against us or joins either Vermin or the Scum, which he won’t!

If I had to choose one of Gundogan or Bernardo to stay I’d probably choose Bernardo but that’s harsh on Gundogan, I’ll be eternally thankful for his contribution at City
He deserves a statue as much as anyone even if he leaves this summer.

The three trophy lofts alone warrant that, never mind the hundreds of quality games in our shirt.
I think a balance can be struck between protecting our reputation as well as pulverising our rivals. It is true that our rivals (LFC and MUFC) became so obsessed with undermining us off the pitch that they took their eye off the ball. They have been asleep while football has become totally globalised. They are like the major retailers who failed to respond quickly to the threat posed by Amazon. They should have tried to compete with us by changing their business models. That said I believe there are times when we should be more aggressive and less tolerant of the lies and smears we have had to endure.
They are the woolworths of the

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