Khaldoon's End of Season Review | Pt 1 (p26) | Pt 2 (p40)

Speaks well but these are always all fart and no poo. No real substance to any of it but we love it due to his eloquently put sentences.
Guess I'm in the minority here but don't think there is anything in them at all - usual corporate speak replies to pre submitted/approved gentle questions - never anything of any real substance

just my opinion though
He did get involved in the great Barm debate one year though.
Sadly he chose the wrong one.
Confirmed that the Sheikh doesn’t own a Lamborghini then didn’t go into detail on how we ended up with Manuel Pelligrini.
Dodged the contentious issue that was ‘chipgate’
I need an answer though as to how he spells Vimpto this year.
Guess I'm in the minority here but don't think there is anything in them at all - usual corporate speak replies to pre submitted/approved gentle questions - never anything of any real substance

just my opinion though
Of course what he says is limited, I wouldn’t expect anything else. He does though give snippets of information where he can, such as last year confirming the NS extension was going ahead after years of us waiting for some comfirmation.
OK happy to hold my hands up - people look forward to it and get a lot from it - no problems with that at all
Fair play to you uncle F.

Each to their own. It's a good job we're not all the same on this forum otherwise it would be dull as dish water.

I'm not trying to persuade you or anyone else either way. I was merely pointing out that I'm a bit of a fan of the end of season review. ;-)
he’s lost quite a bit of weight judging by recent photos . hopefully it is a health kick and not anything underlying we don’t yet know about.

*Edit - apologies I hadn’t read the earlier comments on this higher up the thread.

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