I'm not a royalist by any stretch of the imagination. If anything I'm anti-royal. But if there's one of them I can just about stand, it's Charlie. He was laughed at for years for his apparently cooky beliefs and principles pertaining to wildlife and the environment but he's turned out to be completely right on all that. He was adamant about the woman he really, truly loved before he was forced to marry someone else, and he turned out to be completely right on that as well.
Years and years ago, in about 2005, he came to Reddish as part of a royal tour while my dad worked for Stockport Council, who were based at Houldsworth Mill, and he was there for a lot longer than he was meant to be. If nothing else, he had a presence and knew how to carry himself - my dad said you could feel him coming down the corridor before they even knew he was there. He's part of a broken system that I despise, but I think, if he gets the time through treatment, he'll actually try to use the role for something good.
Can't say I'm particularly moved by the news either way because I don't know him from Adam but cancer is a nasty bastard and, at the very least, news of this diagnosis will encourage more men to get themselves checked by a doctor. Hopefully he can have his own "Jade Goody effect" but with a happier ending to the tale. I remember the year all the girls at my school got the HPV vaccine and the lives that were saved that winter are down to Jade's campaigning. Hopefully there's some dads and granddads out there who get to live longer because of this news about Charles.