Can we still not embed clips from Vine on our shiny new forum?
Are you clicking on the 3 vertical dots in the top right corner and choosing "Embed" and editing away all of the crap, leaving just the url?I've tried posting a few vines but I just get a message box saying the specified url cannot be embedded as media on this forum.
On your Tapatalk PB are you able to still view unread posts ?Anyone else having an issue with sending pm's? I get the "Unable to connect to forum..." message when I try to send a pm from my Android phone using Tapatalk. Works fine in any other circumstances.
Are you logged in?On your Tapatalk PB are you able to still view unread posts ?
Mine is now saying i have none to read which means i have read every post..
Yes logged in and i can post etc..Are you logged in?
Yes logged in and i can post etc..
But unable to view unread posts as it says none to view ??