Kolo Toure for richards?

Want Richards to stay at the club - he's a massive potential. Just his positional awareness and distribution that needs work - if he improves that side of his game he'll be fine. We can have Toure as well if we want him - Arsenal won't turn down a serious offer for him.
We'd be silly to ditch Richards unless he's attitude is wrong. He's too young to judge properly yet. I'd love to get Toure.

In fact I think the 2 Toures and Lescott would make a huge difference to us. Yaya and Kompany would offer cover for both DM and CB.

Add in Tevez, RSC, a backup goalkeeper and we are nearly there. Just a top top striker then would be needed but it'd probably be at the expense of Bojinov so I'd live without if necessary to see how it pans out by Christmas.

Richards Toure Onouha Lescott...................................Trippier Dunne Kompany Bridge
.......Ireland Yaya Barry.................................................Johnson DeJong Zabba.....
Tevez ......RSC .......Robinho....................................SWP .......Caicedo .....Bojinov

And still left over: Bellamy, Weiss, Clayton, Mee, McGivern
Unfortunately gone: Elano, Petrov, Gelson, Garrido, Evans
Agreed.... We tried as much in January... Kolo and Yaya seem to be both or none deal... Having seen Yaya in DM and CB i'd say its worth the risk on Kolo....
richards will do better next term. I would take toure but we shouldnt be selling our academy graduates. Plus if this 6+5 thing comes in were looking good as far as the number of english players we have. :) richards will come good im sure of it.
Its far too early to write richards off hes still only young, if he stops working out in the gym and concentrates on hir cardio fitness im sure he will be back to his best, he still has a lot to learn.
i think it would be a mistake letting Richards go. Yes, Kolo Toure is a great player and i would be pleased if we signed him but he has just about hit his peak at 28

whereas Richards has got a long way to go and will learn a lot on the way, we have already seen his potential. If Richards has a decent pre-season working on his fitness then he'll be back to his best next season.

Also, i'm not 100%, but wasn't he still suffering from that shin problem last season as well but didn't have further surgery?? [I'm sure someone on here will be able to confirm or deny this or expand it it]

Overall though i'd say keep Richards for a few more years and see how he improves before making a final decision whether to bin him or not
He had shin splints from what I remember but he had surgery to remove the problem, I don't know whether it persisted or not.
Richards is a fantastic athlete but not a footballer...he's got great power and pace, but no stamina due to his physique. More of a terminator style, great at blocking and last-ditch tackles...he's also a Gooner, which is why I've stuck £5 on at 12-1 for him to sign for them!
Toure will be a free agent in a year's time, so it makes sense all round.

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