Korea ... what next,WAR ???

If it wasn't for China N Korea would be a smoking crater right about now. That's the real worry about this is if the US did actually attack N Korea would China then get involved which basically means WW3.
rickmcfc said:
dazdon said:
I always thought it was called Blue John Mines....does anyone else remember that?

<I know it's not relevant to the thread but it's important>

When WW3 kicks off and Ive took the mine over, I will rename it whatever I like!

*im sure its the blue John cavern though?

You can take the cavern and i'll take the mine :-)

It IS called cavern now i'm just wondering where I got to thinking it used to be called mine.

Senility is coming to me earlier methinks.
It's just a dick measuring contest anyway. Fat boy is trying to act 10 men to show his country that he is fit to lead them against their enemies and the US are flexing their muscles by flying their bombers to remind them they could wipe them off the planet in minutes.
Why would they nuke the south when the fallout would head north to their land and it will also piss the americans and the rest of asia off at the same time.

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