Kylian Mbappé | Real Madrid Player (pg620)

He's probably the most athletic forward in the world and could be easily incorporated into Pep's pressing system.

Messi, who always had a weak stamina, pressed very effectively under Guardiola.

Correct. And immediately switched to a 'walking prima donna' mode once Pep was gone. Compare his game in 10-12 and 12-13 - it's night and day.

Not so much the physical aspect I was thinking of, as much as a question of mentality. But granted, I haven't watched PSG play that much this season, so I could very well have a skewed view about his strengths and weaknesses.
We missed out when we were offered him for £120m as Monaco didn’t want him to go to PSG and were prepared to take way less from someone else. Ah well, we’ve hardly struggled have we? ;-)
What 'power' would a centre forward want?
Surely he doesn't want to be captian
Think it's been said he wants to play as the 9 (see ya Cavani) and doesn't want anymore Brazilian's signed. I imagine he'd want equal pay with Neymar. Can only see this ending with one of them leaving in the next 12 months, as Neymar loves bringing his Brazilian pals in.
we're never getting him from million different reasons. He already rejected Manchester, PSG would never sell, specially not to us, we're not going to spend the money needed for it, both transferwise and wagewise, Madrid would be the one.. you guys are just torturing yourself hoping.
Think it's been said he wants to play as the 9 (see ya Cavani) and doesn't want anymore Brazilian's signed. I imagine he'd want equal pay with Neymar. Can only see this ending with one of them leaving in the next 12 months, as Neymar loves bringing his Brazilian pals in.

If he's the sort of lad who wants to dictate where he plays and who the club can sign, I can't see Pep wanting him even if everything else was OK.
I think we’d do well to remember what’s special about our present squad, great players, hard working, dedicated and all committed to the team. We have few egos, little obvious infighting and as far as I can see no factions. Compare that to other clubs... if you sign the likes of Neymar - and as it seems Mbappe you lose that collective spirit. Compare how KDB conducts himself in comparison to Pogba - setting aside ability (KDB is miles ahead) would you want someone as toxic as Pogba in out dressing room. I think we should carry on with our present strategy and give the ‘fancy dans’ a miss.

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