La Liga head Tebas - latest anti City outburst P37

Whilst we can laugh off his obviously inaccurate and very hypocritical comments, there is also the fact that he is a figure in a prominent position who is choosing repeatedly to damage the image of our club. Time he was called on to explain his remarks or face action.

Correct !
The pig needs to be brought into line, whatever it takes.
Plus he's an unashamed far right loon, which is why our suits alluded to his insane hatred of City & PSG being rooted in out & out racism.

He's a Cyril Smith looking, racist piglet.
What bothers me is that none of the background context is reported by the UK media when they quote him. In Spain Tebas has been lambasted in their press and is regarded as a dangerous clown whose job is at risk. Yet the media here report the comments of this self-confessed fascist against our club without challenging him (apart from Stuart Brennan). The same is true of the criminal regime which leads Bayern Munich. All German football fans know what Bayern are like but in this country comments from people like Hoeness about City are reported in the UK press without challenge. There is no balance or fairness.
Unfortunately they do, which is why they need to be countered at all levels.

I was explaining to a Chelsea fan at work today that like all other clubs we can only spend what we earn; there is no bottomless money pit. After I'd bored him with the facts he did seem to be a little wiser.

It's good that we have the truth on our side, but facts alone are not enough, the club need to do more to correct the lies that are repeated day after day by the media and people within the game.

Yet many of the clubs he resides over are in debt to the eyeballs. He pandas to the big 2/3 in Spain and couldn’t give a flying fuck about the rest such is the financial disparity over there
plus ça change
What bothers me is that none of the background context is reported by the UK media when they quote him. In Spain Tebas has been lambasted in their press and is regarded as a dangerous clown whose job is at risk. Yet the media here report the comments of this self-confessed fascist against our club without challenging him (apart from Stuart Brennan). The same is true of the criminal regime which leads Bayern Munich. All German football fans know what Bayern are like but in this country comments from people like Hoeness about City are reported in the UK press without challenge. There is no balance or fairness.
I've never looked to the UK press to defend City. They've never forgiven us for relegating ManUre & L'Arse to Thursday night footie.

However one thing I don't understand is why we don't defend ourselves more rigorously on our social, & media channels?

I suppose one way of looking at it is that we wouldn't even lower ourselves to respond to a steaming pile of dog shit like Tebas. To do so could be seen as giving him the credibility he doesn't deserve.
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