Lakey's Blue Tuesday question: City Horror Shows

So many, but three stand out:
1. The game against Huddersfield on 7th November 1997 at Maine Road, in the midst of the club's worst ever season. It was a Friday night game and fell on my 19th birthday. I was due to go out later that night, but seeing as we'd just got Sky Sports in the house, I figured it would be a good feel good booster to watch the game beforehand. It turned into the most pitiful, miserable, underwhelming performance, and predictably we lost 1-0. Absolute agony to watch it
2. The Spuds FA Cup quarter final in 1993 at Maine Road. A promising start to the game, a goal by Mike Sheron after about 7 minutes. And this against a Spuds team which had shipped six against Sheffield United the previous Tuesday. Just as my excitement was beginning to increase, we collapsed like skittles and ended up losing 4-2, but were 4-1 down and it could have been more. To lose a game like that by the odd goal is bad enough, but to lose it without putting up a fight was pitiful and creates a terrible feeling for the fans. I think Terry Phelan must have thought to himself, "I'm not passing it to any of this lot, I'll see what I can do myself" and went on to score the goal of the season which was then overshadowed by a pitch invasion.
3. I think the worst of all, and the moment that encapsulated our self destructive streak of the time, was Jamie Pollock's own goal against QPR in April 1998. A win in that game would have probably spared us the trauma of relegation to Division Two, but that own goal proved decisive in us not getting the win. In retrospect, we probably needed that relegation as a wake up call, but I sure as hell wouldn't live through that again for any amount of money!
Sitting in the home end, when middlesboro beat us 8-0, I will never ever forget that. It felt like, it was musical chairs! Up, down, Up was so bad it got to the point were me and my dad tried to count up the yellow cards for teams at the top of the fair play league to see whether Dunne's red card would cost us Europe.....the city fans singing "we don't need no phil scorlari, we don't no Mourinho, Hey Taksin, leave our sven alone!" cracked me up! Especially when they started cheering their goals and singing we want 9!
As mentioned the second half of Bournmouth 3-3 1989 due to the matches importance.

Soton away was a real stinker, Brett Ormerod in the first minute, a secod not long after and not one bit of fight.

The worst for me was Birmingham away in Dec 1997, we went 1-0 up off a corner Sheila on his debut in about the 88/89th minute, Craig Russell charged down the keeper to make it 2-0 , but it was dissallowed for hand ball, they equalised in around the 94th minute then scored again around three minutes later. Then I missed my train and had to wait 2 hours for some reason. We has a similar do 2003 boxing day their too, but we led all match only for 2 very late goals.

This is why 0-0 and a penalty save is not to be sniffed at.
Tbilisi said:
Ged Taggart a player who used his right leg just to stand on being asked to play at right back at a trouncing at Blackburn.A good player put in a ridiculous position.

Every time it went to him, he had to go onto his left foot and so it ended up in the crowd.
good call.was playing that day so my late father went in my place,got home and he went on about taggart being cruxified by the winger whom im pretty sure is on our pay roll now,scott sellars.
The United 5-0 at the swamp in 94, just humiliating. Otherwise the embarassing 8-1 at Boro and the hurrendously abject 3-0 loss at home to Forest last year. Some shockers in the 98/99 season too like Oldham at home and York away.
I would say Wembley in the play-off final, until the last few mins of course! I can honestly say that City have never left me feeling as devastated as I did then, before Kevin Horlock got one back. I, like everyone else, was sure our time had come to rise up and start the long crawl back up to the Premiership. Then it was smashed back in our faces and with a few minutes to go it seemed another year of Div 2 football awaited us.

But the closest I have come to saying 'enough is enough' was a few years back under Stuart Pearce when we couldn't buy a goal, and Bolton came to our place around Winter-time. It was cold and there was nothing happening on the pitch to warm us up. Bolton under Allardyce obviously wanted the draw from kick-off (I remember them time-wasting after 15 mins on throw ins!) but they ended up winning by a single goal. I don't think we had a shot on target all game.
My horror show was the 3-2 derby defeat at Maine Road in November '93...two-nil up courtesy of two goals from Quinny, only for the rags to come back from the dead and beat us. A true nightmare.
Solihull Samba Boys said:
The United 5-0 at the swamp in 94, just humiliating. Otherwise the embarassing 8-1 at Boro and the hurrendously abject 3-0 loss at home to Forest last year. Some shockers in the 98/99 season too like Oldham at home and York away.

So many to chose from , but for me, the 5-0 is the one that sticks out. Kanchelskis (I think it was) just took the mick out of David Brightwell all night long. I had the worse hangover of my life the next day as I'd tried to block out any memory of the game with booze

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