Wanted to watch something trashy but enjoyable (if you know what I mean). Something that would scare me but also make me think a bit. Was thinking of renting Event Horizon, which seemed to fit the bill, but I'm just not sure. (And yes, I am a law abiding citizen, more fool me, who pays for the films he watches, so it pisses me off when I rent something that I think is junk. Recently rented Wall Street, which I thought was baloney, frankly). Event Horizon seems to be a film that splits people right down the middle. Seems to be more of a horror film than a sci-fi film, so I'm not sure. Not my thing, normally (can't take zombie films, for instance, at any price).
Any feedback on this? Please don't just say it's shit. Or great. Tell me why I should or should not squander my hard earned pennies…