Last Film You Saw

JamesMCFC said:
Edge of Tomorrow

Really decent film even though Tom Cruise is in it

Emily Blunt is fit as fuck as well

I wish you lot would make up your minds. I was going to go and see it this weekend until I read on here;
''Tom Cruise's new one. Edge of Tomorrow.
Utter shite.
Thank god the tickets were free.
People behind me said it was the first film they'd ever considered leaving after half an hour.''

Decided not to bother after that. Watched White House Down Tonight; ho hum. The cute little American girl waves a flag and stops an air strike on the white house. God bless America.
Blu KB said:
skyblues4everx said:
tidyman said:
A word of warning to anyone who sees the "satire," Idiocracy, advertised on Sky's On Demand and feels tempted to give it a go.

Do not under any circumstances.

I'm a bloke who thinks The Hangover trilogy is sophisticated humour. But this pile of absolute wank, just left me open mouthed in amazement that anybody thought it was a good idea to make this film.

Humour is hard for everyone to agree on but Idiocracy is a very funny film for me! Off the top of my head the Hospital scene is quality, the whole dumbing down of society is great and one example goes when Joe goes to get his identity stamp/tattoo.

IPPA Computer: Thank you! Please speak your name as it appears on your current federal identity card, document G24L8!
Joe Bowers: I'm not sure if...
IPPA Computer: You have entered the name "Not Sure." Is this correct, Not Sure?
Joe Bowers: No, it's not correct...
IPPA Computer: Thank you! "Not" is correct. Is "Sure" correct?
Joe Bowers: No, it's not, my name is Joe...
IPPA Computer: You have already confirmed your first name is "Not." Please confirm your last name, "Sure."
Joe Bowers: My last name is not "Sure!"
IPPA Computer: Thank you, Not Sure!
Joe Bowers: No, what I mean is my name is Joe...
IPPA Computer: Confirmation is complete. Please wait while I tattoo your new identity on your arm!

Joe: Oh, this is f---ing great!

It's hardly a 10/10 perfect film but it's a 7/10 for me :)


I too have a soft spot for this film

Fair enough. Like you say, there is no right and wrong as far as what is a good film. This is the sort of childish shite I usually love. So I figured if I didn't like it, no one would.

To be fair there are some exchanges that I found amusing but it just felt like one long, mildly amusing gag to me.

Very enjoyable 2 hours entertainment. Always enjoy Woody Harrelson films.

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