Leeds United Thread - 2022/23

"Leeds have never won anything in Europe" is simply an incorrect statement as both you and I have just confirmed and as the record shows. It's actually monumentally fuckwitted of you to make such a statement while negating that very same statement in the same post. I know that football fans generally have a reputation for lacking logic and intellect, but you take the light blue scarf.

Actually, the only thing I got wrong was to suggest that ours was a far superior record to yours only before the sovereign investment in your club. In fact, in terms of silverware, our European record remains superior to yours, even in 2023 - which is quite amusing. Let's hope that changes this year and you finally win the Champions League.

You missed out the rest of my sentence where I say: "...until your recent success brought lots of plastic supporters from all over the country and overseas." I can understand why you'd want to miss that out.

I wasn't 'having a go' at your real supporters and you should stop being so touchy. I know it's a touchy subject, but there are even people on this very forum who admit that they are plastics. It's not like I'm stating anything controversial. Your supporter base has blown-up massively due to your recent success. This is just a fact. You're not the Real Man City anymore. You're a Plastic Smiley Club now, which is why some of you on here have taken to issuing stern lectures about the behaviour of other club's supporters. Your stadium is soulless and has no atmosphere, but at least you're well-behaved and don't sing rude chants at players. Nor would you, given that you have a bottomless pit of money to spend on all the best players, like a cheat code on Football Manager.

Tried to be nice and now into the bull shit bingo game with your ridiculous plastic fans comment. You are from a rugby league City with neanderthal fans. Only formed in 1919 and in my lifetime been relevant for about 5 seasons. Now fuck off back down and we will see you again in about 16 years. More fans than City my arse. Do some research on average attendances over the last 50 years come back and apologise. Ffs - you closed a stand for about 15 years.
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With the exception of Bielsa the majority of Leeds great achievers are dead , the club is for now just ahead of Sheff Wed in terms of support and in the not so distant past with Alan Clarke as manager regularly got gates of around 20k.
The current squad and leadership is just about top half championship status. The fans are as passionate as it gets but with little to be passionate about as now all generations live in the past be it pining for Bielsa or Revie.

The cricket club up the road has always been institutionally Yorkshire only and racist.
"Leeds have never won anything in Europe" is simply an incorrect statement as both you and I have just confirmed and as the record shows. It's actually monumentally fuckwitted of you to make such a statement while negating that very same statement in the same post. I know that football fans generally have a reputation for lacking logic and intellect, but you take the light blue scarf.

Actually, the only thing I got wrong was to suggest that ours was a far superior record to yours only before the sovereign investment in your club. In fact, in terms of silverware, our European record remains superior to yours, even in 2023 - which is quite amusing. Let's hope that changes this year and you finally win the Champions League.

You missed out the rest of my sentence where I say: "...until your recent success brought lots of plastic supporters from all over the country and overseas." I can understand why you'd want to miss that out.

I wasn't 'having a go' at your real supporters and you should stop being so touchy. I know it's a touchy subject, but there are even people on this very forum who admit that they are plastics. It's not like I'm stating anything controversial. Your supporter base has blown-up massively due to your recent success. This is just a fact. You're not the Real Man City anymore. You're a Plastic Smiley Club now, which is why some of you on here have taken to issuing stern lectures about the behaviour of other club's supporters. Your stadium is soulless and has no atmosphere, but at least you're well-behaved and don't sing rude chants at players. Nor would you, given that you have a bottomless pit of money to spend on all the best players, like a cheat code on Football Manager.
Congratulations Revieist, after decades of irrelevance you have single handedly reminded us all why everyone hates Leeds
I hate all this "my club is bigger/better supported than yours" stuff that you see a lot on social media now, but I've generally thought it prevalent among kids. I'm quite happy to acknowledge Leeds as a club with a strong support base, some great days in their history and a tremendous potential if they can get things together properly at some point. But when our cross-Pennine rival starts acting the **** on this thread, it's time for some facts.

An easy way to analyse a club's support down the years is to see how often it's finished outside the 15 best-supported clubs in the attendance charts in terms of a season's average league gates. Our figure is only twice since 1895. Leeds, in their much shorter history, have a total of 41 but that goes over 50 if we include their forerunner club Leeds City. When we moved to our current stadium, in the five seasons before Mansour took us over, we achieved on five occasions a bigger average seasonal gate that Leeds have ever managed in their history.

They've only had two spells in their history when they were relevant in terms of winning trophies. Once was under Don Revie, when they achieved it in such a way to have left them loathed throughout the country, a sentiment that persists to the modern day. Later, they fluked a title under Howard Wilkinson, a man best known as a practitioner of hoofball. They also had near-misses under David O'Leary, but achieved these only by means of a catastrophic financial overstretch that precipitated a long and hilarious decline.

His holding onto their two Fairs Cup wins as a measure if European significance is comical, too. Everyone knows that this was a competition with laughable qualification criteria based around trade fairs in Europe and many reputable football historians for this reason rightly refuse to recognise it as a major trophy at all. That it's a straw he chooses to clutch really tells us how feeble his arguments are.

Now, I like away fans coming on here and I think that they sometimes get a poor deal. But they need to be respectful, and this guy hasn't been. I don't know but I suspect he may think it's banter; I, on the other hand, call it acting like a twat. For someone who seems to try to cite a lot of football history, it's about time for him to be introduced to some.
"Leeds have never won anything in Europe" is simply an incorrect statement as both you and I have just confirmed and as the record shows. It's actually monumentally fuckwitted of you to make such a statement while negating that very same statement in the same post. I know that football fans generally have a reputation for lacking logic and intellect, but you take the light blue scarf.

Actually, the only thing I got wrong was to suggest that ours was a far superior record to yours only before the sovereign investment in your club. In fact, in terms of silverware, our European record remains superior to yours, even in 2023 - which is quite amusing. Let's hope that changes this year and you finally win the Champions League.

You missed out the rest of my sentence where I say: "...until your recent success brought lots of plastic supporters from all over the country and overseas." I can understand why you'd want to miss that out.

I wasn't 'having a go' at your real supporters and you should stop being so touchy. I know it's a touchy subject, but there are even people on this very forum who admit that they are plastics. It's not like I'm stating anything controversial. Your supporter base has blown-up massively due to your recent success. This is just a fact. You're not the Real Man City anymore. You're a Plastic Smiley Club now, which is why some of you on here have taken to issuing stern lectures about the behaviour of other club's supporters. Your stadium is soulless and has no atmosphere, but at least you're well-behaved and don't sing rude chants at players. Nor would you, given that you have a bottomless pit of money to spend on all the best players, like a cheat code on Football Manager.
I wouldn't make myself too comfortable on here if I were you. I don't think you'll be around for too long.
I have been around a long time and I remember when Man City fans complained about how their club had barely done anything in living memory. Be careful about getting too cocky because those days might come back. For the record, I bear no ill will towards your club and wish you continued success but it can't last forever.

We were in a league cup final in 1996. I think your maths is also off: it'll be more like 57% as we've spent 23 of the last 40 years outside the top flight.

1919 is more than 100 years ago. Even with your poor maths you should be capable of grasping that detail. That means we've been around quite a long time, and if you count Leeds City as our precursor club, even longer.

I don't agree with your view that we are back where we belong. In terms of supporter base, we are a massive club and certainly had more supporters than Man City until your recent success brought lots of plastic supporters from all over the country and overseas. It may be you don't like our club, but that's of no relevance to the question of where we belong in the scheme of things. Saying we belong in the second tier is like saying Everton or Newcastle United belong in the second tier. Whether you like them or not, they don't.

I agree that some of our fans can be unpleasant, but is that greatly different from fans of other clubs? Maybe your club has been chloroformed and the Real Man City died at Maine Road and what you have now is a Plastic Smiley Club with light blue scarves, happy children's faces, well-behaved fans and a soulless stadium. I enjoyed my trip to your stadium for the game between us, but it's not the same as Maine Road. That was a real atmosphere. It's like West Ham. I loved Upton Park, but now that's gone and replaced by the City of London Stadium - a shiny new Plastic Smiley Club, with no atmosphere.

Anyway, like the other commenter, you don't seem to know much about our history.

You claim we have never won anything in Europe. In fact, we won the Fairs Cup twice, which was the precursor of the UEFA Cup, and we were also runners-up twice in that competition, and have been runners-up in the European Cup and the old European Cup Winners' Cup.

That record was easily superior to yours until the sovereign investors came into your club, as you had only one won European trophy (back in the late 60s) - though let me stress that I don't begrudge your club the success you have enjoyed in recent years. I am pleased for you.

The reason the Leeds United supporters traditionally sing 'We Are The Champions, The Champions of Europe', is due to the controversial 1975 European Cup final against Bayern Munich, in which, we believe, we were cheated by a corrupt or incompetent referee - and this was not just a partisan Leeds view, but a view widely held by neutral observers of the match.

We did slide from a Champions League semi-final to the third tier - something to think about for those Man City supporters who are now cocky. It's not your personal achievement anyway, you're just a supporter, so not sure what there is for you to be cocky about when doing down other clubs. It's not as if you've personally plotted Man City's meteoric rise. You're just a face in the crowd, a nobody, like I am, like we all are.

I agree with your comment about Bielsa. I think his time at Leeds was successful but it also laid the basis for future problems.

I'm not sure why you want my club to rot. We've done nothing to you.

If it's not a quick promotion, then by definition it will be a while. That's just stating the obvious.

What happens next all depends on whether the club can be decisive and make sound decisions this summer.

I don't personally specially mind being in the Championship. If we stay there for more than a season, it should mean that I can get back to Elland Road for the first time in the while. The downside of being in the top flight is that getting tickets becomes a lottery because of all the plastics who jump on the bandwagon, and they tend to be the type of people who know how to snap up tickets.

We were out of the top flight for 16 years and I got used to it and actually quite liked it at times. It can be more fun travelling around the different stadia and visiting obscure and lesser-known clubs. There isn't the pressure at the lower levels that is prevalent in the Premier League and you can enjoy the football more.


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"Leeds have never won anything in Europe" is simply an incorrect statement as both you and I have just confirmed and as the record shows. It's actually monumentally fuckwitted of you to make such a statement while negating that very same statement in the same post. I know that football fans generally have a reputation for lacking logic and intellect, but you take the light blue scarf.

Actually, the only thing I got wrong was to suggest that ours was a far superior record to yours only before the sovereign investment in your club. In fact, in terms of silverware, our European record remains superior to yours, even in 2023 - which is quite amusing. Let's hope that changes this year and you finally win the Champions League.

You missed out the rest of my sentence where I say: "...until your recent success brought lots of plastic supporters from all over the country and overseas." I can understand why you'd want to miss that out.

I wasn't 'having a go' at your real supporters and you should stop being so touchy. I know it's a touchy subject, but there are even people on this very forum who admit that they are plastics. It's not like I'm stating anything controversial. Your supporter base has blown-up massively due to your recent success. This is just a fact. You're not the Real Man City anymore. You're a Plastic Smiley Club now, which is why some of you on here have taken to issuing stern lectures about the behaviour of other club's supporters. Your stadium is soulless and has no atmosphere, but at least you're well-behaved and don't sing rude chants at players. Nor would you, given that you have a bottomless pit of money to spend on all the best players, like a cheat code on Football Manager.
Before you go, in reference to your dig at our attendances; in 1998/1999,when we were in the third tier of English professional football, our average league attendance was 28,261....

When you were in the same division (2007/08), your average attendance was 26,040...

And you're in a one club town. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
In terms of supporter base, we are a massive club and certainly had more supporters than Man City until your recent success brought lots of plastic supporters from all over the country and overseas.
Where is your justification for this view?

Leeds are probably the worst supported club in the country!

Leeds is a one club city and they are the biggest club in their region. Leeds probably boast the largest catchment area and potential fanbase of any club in England. Yet, Leeds are only 12th in England for all-time average attendance (25,768).

The combined highest attendances of all the other clubs outside City and United in the Manchester conurbation comes to over 75,000… City are not just competing with the biggest supported club in the world, City are also competing with countless other clubs, some of which have attendances not that far off Leeds at the same level (Bolton’s average attendance this season in the third tier is 18,814 and they’re only the third biggest club in our conurbation). Plus also in our region are Liverpool and Everton.

City are 8th in all-time average attendance (30,394).

As a one club city, Leeds are 22nd for all-time highest attendance in their own stadium (57,892). City are 1st (84,569) and probably have over 50 attendances above Leeds’ record.

As a one club city and in a stadium bigger than City’s at the time (Elland Road 37,792 v Maine Road 32,550), Leeds (23,813; 24,818; and 26,546) didn’t beat City’s (28,273 which was a record at that level) average attendance in the third tier despite the Rags winning the treble in the season City were in the third tier and two other Greater Manchester clubs being in a division above City (Bolton and Stockport). Leeds didn’t have a Leeds Rovers who were winning the treble or Farsley and anything like a Headingly County in the Championship when Leeds were in the third tier.

In the season both Leeds and Norwich got promoted from the third tier in 2010 Leeds only achieved an average attendance 167 higher than Norwich when Elland Road held 10,433 more. Yet Sunderland (another one-club city) are the only club to beat City’s average attendance at that level.

Also, here are some other recent average attendances in the second tier for Leeds: 21,572 in 2013; 22,446 in 2016.

City even averaged more than both of those when we only had three stands at Maine Road in 1994-95 after the Kippax was knocked down. And we never had any attendances as low as that in any season we were in the second tier or below from 1996 to 2002… and please don’t forget, Leeds is a one club city and they are the biggest club in their region.

From the move to the City of Manchester Stadium in 2003 to the Sheikh takeover in 2008, City only had one average attendance under 40,000 and that was 39,997 where we only scored 10 home goals all season and none from New Year’s Day onwards; and that is still higher than any average attendance Leeds United have ever had in their history.

Even in Leeds’ heyday of the 1970s, not once did they have an average attendance above 40,000. Whereas City were one of only four clubs who managed to get two consecutive average attendances above 40,000 in the 1970s, the other three clubs were United, Liverpool and Everton, all clubs in City’s region!
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