Legal action against Football’s governing bodies

Man-chester copperpot

Well-Known Member
15 Jan 2017
BBC Football page :
“The family of the late Joe Kinnear and four Premier League-era players are among a number of claimants taking legal action against football’s governing bodies over brain injuries allegedly suffered during their careers.”

Interesting, are the families entitled to compensation?
Are ex-players entitled to compensation?
Can they prove heading a football was the reason they have brain injuries?
Footballs today are much more lighter than they were back in the day

What are your thoughts?
BBC Football page :
“The family of the late Joe Kinnear and four Premier League-era players are among a number of claimants taking legal action against football’s governing bodies over brain injuries allegedly suffered during their careers.”

Interesting, are the families entitled to compensation?
Are ex-players entitled to compensation?
Can they prove heading a football was the reason they have brain injuries?
Footballs today are much more lighter than they were back in the day

What are your thoughts?

I have always wondered if this is mainly due to players back in the day heading a heavier ball, it's hard not to believe that it would cause some damage to some footballers.
The old balls were heavy is a red herring.
Your brain is like a thick jelly with a thin fluid surround contained in a hard case.
Every time it is hit the jelly wobbles and can hit the skull inners.
It is now thought Repeatedly Heading a modern football coming at speed is quite enough to sustain long term damage to the brain.
If there is any risk then the FA have taken the right decision to protect those who cannot make an informed decision for themselves and meanwhile the research continues.

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