Lescott [Merged]

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blueinsa said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
It's comments like this which is becoming the epitome of all things wrong at City .
If you can write this , and not do so tongue in cheek , then I pity your perception of football .

Who the fook are you to come on here telling us whats wrong at city?

You and the rest of your bitter mtes need fooking banning!

You come onclaiming to want a debate but you just cant help yourself, little snide digs all the time and as soon as anyone tackles you, you put us on your banned list ffs.

Fook off back to where you come from and take your mates with you!

Surely you don't agree with Optimus Prime's views on football?

Even Ironhide would struggle to agree with him.

He's clinically backwards when it comes to discussing football.
The Fixer said:
What a numpty you really are!! I dont procalim to know more than an Everton physio.. but i know a lot more than you regarding serious injuries and their rehab.

And considering he's training and playing matches now I consider him to be fully rehabilitated due to him having world class help with his recovery.
Everton1878 said:
blueinsa said:
Who the fook are you to come on here telling us whats wrong at city?

You and the rest of your bitter mtes need fooking banning!

You come onclaiming to want a debate but you just cant help yourself, little snide digs all the time and as soon as anyone tackles you, you put us on your banned list ffs.

Fook off back to where you come from and take your mates with you!

Surely you don't agree with Optimus Prime's views on football?

Even Ironhide would struggle to agree with him.

He's clinically backwards when it comes to discussing football.

I could have picked any of your posts to reply to!

Im sick to fooking death of you lot on here with your snide digs!

Fook off back to your own sites and convince each other what a GOD you have in Moyes, we dont want to know!
Everton1878 said:
Optimus Prime said:
But you're not going to be a rival for a European spot, so your argument has no foundation - thats what makes me laugh about all this - talk about delusions of grandeur. I can understand not selling to your rivals, so if this was about Lescott going to Wigan or Stoke or Hull or someone like that, then I could sypathise with your argument - surely even you must admit that we're a shoe in for Europe and you guys will have concerns elsewhere in the League, shall we say, so why not sell us the player!

And as for the rest of your squad - tell me one other player of yours that you can genuinely see one of the Big Clubs like us being interested in - I'm looking forward to hearing this one

How do you work out we're not rivals for a European spot when we have the same squad we had last season when we finished 5th?

Arteta, Jagielka, Howard, Baines, Yakubu, Fellaini, Pienaar...

Arteta is a poor man's Elano - and he wasn't good enough for us.
Jagielka is a one season wonder - showed his true form when relegated the season before he joined you, and who was shown up when put alongside genuine class with England - will revert to form this season and get relegated again.
Howard had his go at a big club and was shite.
Baines wasn't good enough to get in the Wigan team.
Yakubu - even Moyes this he's a fat, bone-idle, feckless waste of space, and he bought him.
Fellani - spends more tim on his arse than doing anything constructive during the game - a joke of a player.
Pienaar - fair do's - he's a good player. But like all good players at Neverton, he wants out and is refusing to sign a new deal.

I rest my case!
blueinsa said:
Everton1878 said:
Surely you don't agree with Optimus Prime's views on football?

Even Ironhide would struggle to agree with him.

He's clinically backwards when it comes to discussing football.

I could have picked any of your posts to reply to!

Im sick to fooking death of you lot on here with your snide digs!

Fook off back to your own sites and convince each other what a GOD you have in Moyes, we dont want to know!

What snide digs?!

I've directed nothing but jealously towards your club.

I might have called someone something but that's because of their opinion not because I hate Man City or something.
Everton1878 said:
sniff said:
Are people in Everton a little overcome with a case of the fuckwitts??

If a club buys a player from say Everton or anywhere else, do they realy think that the manager is the one who sits in the board room negotiating the deal with the other club???

The two boards decided the fee and if they sell, the manager makes a recomendation to them but he is at the end of the day a member of staff(one who is getting above his station, not sure how our board would take hughes telling the world press he runs our club)

In all cases the board contact the other clubs chaiman to get the ball rolling. Has moyes been down to Arsenal to argue how much senderos is worth??

I'm sure you've been apart of many transfers and know the workings of all football clubs around the world.

I wasn't aware there was so many strict rules on transfer deals.

Why are you a bit thick??

Do you really think that the men whos personal wealth props up the club and pays gobshite gloums wages dont have the final word?

And do you honestly think that our chairman would phone Moyes for a player valuation ? or go and see the guys who could actualy sign the paperwork needed for him to complete the deal. If moyes said sell him now he couldnt do it without the board giving the deal the ok could he. or has moyes got all financial and management control of the club.

For fucks sake its not like signing a player on Football manager
Most of these scouse schleppers are as insecure and jealous as David Moyes...

Still, i'm surprised we haven't started blanket banning the fuckers, but hey ho! I'm sure they'll all disappear tomorrow night after Arsenal give them a good old fashioned slapping...
Everton1878 said:
bluevengence said:
you wil be lucky to finish 7th behind tottyham

It's looking like we will struggle. We've yet to add players to our squad but there is still some time. The main problem with Everton is that we have a chairman unwilling to sell and he's skint.

But we have one of the best managers in the world and if he can hold onto his squad there is nothing to say that he can't get 5th again.

One of the best managers in the world eh!...some of your fans dont think so from this everton forum last year...

MOYES OUT....<a class="postlink" href="http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/08-09/comment/mailbag/mailbagitem.asp?submissionID=9480" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/08-09/c ... ionID=9480</a>
Optimus Prime said:
Arteta is a poor man's Elano - and he wasn't good enough for us.
Jagielka is a one season wonder - showed his true form when relegated the season before he joined you, and who was shown up when put alongside genuine class with England - will revert to form this season and get relegated again.
Howard had his go at a big club and was shite.
Baines wasn't good enough to get in the Wigan team.
Yakubu - even Moyes this he's a fat, bone-idle, feckless waste of space, and he bought him.
Fellani - spends more tim on his arse than doing anything constructive during the game - a joke of a player.
Pienaar - fair do's - he's a good player. But like all good players at Neverton, he wants out and is refusing to sign a new deal.

I rest my case!

I'm not even going to bother with that.
Can we all calm down a bit and that includes the Everton fans, remember this is a City forum, you are allowed to debate but less of the sly digs!

And can the City fans please try and rise above it, it really is not worth getting angry about
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