Lescott [Merged]

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alera said:
If this deal does happen Everton will come across as a feeder club with no ambition.

Moyes and Kenright will look like complete idiots that lie to their fans and the press.

In regards to transfers they wont be taken seriously again.

If Everton do sell Lescott then they'll make it seem like a combination of "too much money to refuse" and "Lescott made it clear he wanted to leave". No-one really takes any club's protestations seriously when it comes to player sales. As much as clubs like to think they're in command, invariably what the player wants he gets.
cleavers said:
moomba said:
But the fact he hasn't said anything speaks volumes.

It means nothing, Terry said nothing for at least 3 weeks. He'll eventually say I wasn't interested (assuming they don't let him go), for Everton public consumption.

Do you believe Terry treated Chelsea with respect?

I don't, he either was interested or he used us to get a payrise. The fact Lescott has remained silent speaks volumes IMO.
Sorry guys, off topic but can anyone shed any light on the "Last post" topic tomie created a few hours back?

mcigo said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
Liam , don't take this as rude but I don't have time now bud , but I've stated my thoughts on the subject throughout this thread , and fairly recently too .
Gots ta go .

yet you have the time to make this post and another one after it and you've been on here all afternoon.
me thinks DSOB is comig round to the inevitable!!
From what i can gather from the whole saga, Moyes is saying everything Everton fans want to hear - if Lescott does hand in a transfer request he will be made out to be a traitor and City made out to be bullies with money!

The media is also LOVING slating City and ive read all sorts of lies and bollocks about us this summer - most, if not all, of which are just made up stoires to sell papers or shit written by United fan media trying to bring our name down! IF City are doing things in the wrong way, why havent the Prem Lg or the FA stepped in to repremand us? Why? because we're probably not doing anything wrong! Chelsea were fined for the Ashley Cole affair before they bought him, City have had no fines from any of the 20 odd signings we've made in the last 2 years! so anything i read in the media thats negative about City now i just take with a pinch of salt, as it is basically made up bollocks!

Its got to the point now where i dont read any newspapers, not even The Times or The Telegraph (look at the way The Telegraph has tried to poison our minds to ALL politicians when there are thousands of them who've never done anything wrong whatsoever, but thats a different story!)! they sensationalise everything each one of them, even the most respected journalists do it, especially when it somes to sport and especially football and especially City!

Examples lead to rugby league as the media love rugby union and try to tarnish the rugby league at any opportunity - any fights or drug abuse by RL players are hammered "REARDON JALIED" "HOCK HAS COCAINE ADDICTION" "GREG BIRD THREATENS TO KILL WIFE", all stories souped up over the top from what actually happened! anything a RU player does is told in a tiny article at the very back of the sports section! But again thats nowt to do with footy or City! but my point is that its the same with City in the media! they have their favourites and they try and fuck over the others!
blueinsa said:
Sorry guys, off topic but can anyone shed any light on the "Last post" topic tomie created a few hours back?


Its called attention seeking
GJF said:
I`ve been watching this thread for a while now, and like the saga itself, I find it interesting sometimes, and annoying the next.
Some Everton fans come accross as hypocritical, sanctimonious, and display an uncanny ability to pick and choose which bits of information they wish to believe and which they don`t. To be honest it usually goes hand in hand with whats being reported in the media on that particluar day.
Some everton fans have actually been great, realistic, and have the intelligence to realise they are on our site!

That said, some of our fans have at times been arrogant, and like the everton fans, display the same `media picking' ability when it suits them.

Yes we have a go at rival fans at times, but in the end, its a City site. Our house, our rules.

Personally the whole lescott thing has dragged on..I rate him no higher than £20m. thats a good price to pay for all concerned. It just needs to be sorted..and fast.

At the end of this neither club has acted without sin; in the end Everton publicised the deal first (via website), and then Kenwright phoned Talkshite to doscuss the bid. If thats not putting it in the public domain then I dont know what is. Moyes too, cannot bleat to the press...it just stirs things further. But we all know its just for PR; regardless of the conclusion.

I am quite sure City may have leaked some info to the press...and to be honest you would have to be very naive to think NO club does this...regardless of how underhand it is. Sign of the times; now and always has been.

..as for lots of the stories in the press..well some are true..some are not. I`m sure Everton fans can give examples about the press reporting things that were totally untrue; us City fans can probably give dozens based on the last 12 months alone...so essientially as earlier posters have said; the only reliable sources are usually the BBC (they have exceedingly stringent tests they need to pass for a story to be published under their name as they are a public organisation), and until we get more info..thats it...

This is Lescott thread , don't try to bring other players into it
Obviously Moyes is an intelligent enough personnel manager to not want a key member of his team held against his will and would like to avoid that situation.

So his job at this point would be to maximize his return on his asset. We have to admit that Moyes has done a good job so far of elevating City's bids for his player. Also, he'd be sharper to not allow the transfer until Lescott presents a formal request. This will bag Everton an additional few Million that would have been paid to Joleon via a loyalty payment. (imo, this is also why JL has voiced his desire to move but has yet to hand in the formal request...it's all about the money) As well, Moyes (if you believe even half of the transfer speculation) is actively seeking replacements already... all the while, he's the one leaking the bids to the press and adding fuel to the "City is ruining football" fire.

You can't fault the man for his strategy (which he's well practiced in. ie: Rooney). And I believe that it will work out for him.

He'll wait for the formal request: this gets him the most money and the most fan support.

Lescott has to realize that he won't be let go until he signs away that loyalty bonus. He'll still be richer for coming over to City though. And he'll have the opportunity to play for a team that will smash through the glass ceiling that teams like Everton run into.
danburge82 said:
From what i can gather from the whole saga, Moyes is saying everything Everton fans want to hear - if Lescott does hand in a transfer request he will be made out to be a traitor and City made out to be bullies with money!

The media is also LOVING slating City and ive read all sorts of lies and bollocks about us this summer - most, if not all, of which are just made up stoires to sell papers or shit written by United fan media trying to bring our name down! IF City are doing things in the wrong way, why havent the Prem Lg or the FA stepped in to repremand us? Why? because we're probably not doing anything wrong! Chelsea were fined for the Ashley Cole affair before they bought him, City have had no fines from any of the 20 odd signings we've made in the last 2 years! so anything i read in the media thats negative about City now i just take with a pinch of salt, as it is basically made up bollocks!

Its got to the point now where i dont read any newspapers, not even The Times or The Telegraph (look at the way The Telegraph has tried to poison our minds to ALL politicians when there are thousands of them who've never done anything wrong whatsoever, but thats a different story!)! they sensationalise everything each one of them, even the most respected journalists do it, especially when it somes to sport and especially football and especially City!

Examples lead to rugby league as the media love rugby union and try to tarnish the rugby league at any opportunity - any fights or drug abuse by RL players are hammered "REARDON JALIED" "HOCK HAS COCAINE ADDICTION" "GREG BIRD THREATENS TO KILL WIFE", all stories souped up over the top from what actually happened! anything a RU player does is told in a tiny article at the very back of the sports section! But again thats nowt to do with footy or City! but my point is that its the same with City in the media! they have their favourites and they try and fuck over the others!

Oh, ok.
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