Lescott [Merged]

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Darker shade of Blue said:
barryo said:
I have added all I need to.
Have you not read it? You must be busy doing otherstuff like posting on a football forum for YOUR team.

As for being told to STFU by a supposed guest on OUR site I suggest you read the site rules and code of conduct.....then we'll let the Mods moderate.

Where does it say one member is a member , and the other is a guest .
Believe me , I'm intrigued .

It doesnt which is why I wrote the word supposed.

Although this is Bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk a forum for discussing Manchester City and our interests which happens to include an impending arrival from Everton.

Did you read what I have written on the Lescott thread about Lescott.
Oh and I wont shout again if upsets you so much petal.....bless... not once but twice...tut,tut. Shame on me.
blueinsa said:
not my fault! said:
Let me ask.. Would you
a) rather a few posts over a few pages mentioning some of our performance and up coming player in the current threads
b) some halfwhit starting a new thread every 5mins because he/she has thought of another player/topic/?
Either way if it's A then can I add we dont talk about Dunne or Arteta (sp) etc or it becomes double standard, also the "it's a lescott thread" posts are just as bad along with the ones that complain. Thats why we have the little icon in the bottom of each and every post, if you dont like it then hit it and complain that way ffs. Just my thoughts on it, do have a nice evening.

I'd rather people keep to the topic and i would rather city fans back up other city fans, especialy when it is fucking obvious that a fan of another team is on here trying to take the piss!

Having a very pleasent evening thanks...you?

tbf he is one of only three fans from other clubs who come on here that actualy have something decent to say. And in fairness we should rise to any bait thats thrown our way (not that I think he was trying to wind anyone up, we had a draw not a loss) anyway..
Yeh evenings going ok thank you just about to eat then I'm going to chill and watch a film with Miss not my fault! and then get my snowboarding gear ready for tomorrow night (going chillfactore). Take care, lots of man love, NMF!
DSOB - Has the Senderos transfer been confirmed by Everton? How would you react to that?

I'm glad we haven't bought him, although I haven't seen anything of him recently.

Do you think he would be a replacement for Lescott, or an addition? hard to tell
Darker shade of Blue said:
blueinsa said:
I'd rather people keep to the topic and i would rather city fans back up other city fans, especialy when it is fucking obvious that a fan of another team is on here trying to take the piss!

Having a very pleasent evening thanks...you?

Wow , you're in a foul mood tonight aren't you .
Press on my profile , add me as foe , then all your problems are solved .

Ric can we get an "Eject" button.

ellonblue said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
Looks very promising .
If your asking serious questions... what you REALLY thinking about lescott?

I think I've stated that many times on here already bud .
While there is no Lescott news , you should have time to read my posts :o)

But seeing as you asked , I think he is staying put .
Everton have a few eggs waiting to hatch , and don't need to sell .
Darker shade of Blue said:
blueinsa said:
I'd rather people keep to the topic and i would rather city fans back up other city fans, especialy when it is fucking obvious that a fan of another team is on here trying to take the piss!

Having a very pleasent evening thanks...you?

Wow , you're in a foul mood tonight aren't you .
Press on my profile , add me as foe , then all your problems are solved .

Why would i do that, id sooner tell you you straight.

You talk a lot of sense most of the time and like ive said, your one of the few that is welcome on here and you contribute.

However you came on tonight trying to be clever, and when challenged you havnt got the balls to admit it.

That is my problem.
Darker shade of Blue said:
ellonblue said:
If your asking serious questions... what you REALLY thinking about lescott?

I think I've stated that many times on here already bud .
While there is no Lescott news , you should have time to read my posts :o)

But seeing as you asked , I think he is staying put .
Everton have a few eggs waiting to hatch , and don't need to sell .
Fair one, just checking the posts were of a serious nature!! and your opinion was the same.
Eggs to hatch in terms of good young defenders?
not my fault! said:
blueinsa said:
I'd rather people keep to the topic and i would rather city fans back up other city fans, especialy when it is fucking obvious that a fan of another team is on here trying to take the piss!

Having a very pleasent evening thanks...you?

tbf he is one of only three fans from other clubs who come on here that actualy have something decent to say. And in fairness we should rise to any bait thats thrown our way (not that I think he was trying to wind anyone up, we had a draw not a loss) anyway..
Yeh evenings going ok thank you just about to eat then I'm going to chill and watch a film with Miss not my fault! and then get my snowboarding gear ready for tomorrow night (going chillfactore). Take care, lots of man love, NMF!

Agree 100% about DSOB, however he came on tonight trying to be clever imo, that is my only problem.

Enjoy the snow fella, used to ski a lot in my younger days, done Soll in Austria and Val Thorens in France.

Live and work in SA now so not much chance of dusting off a snowboard for me!
blueinsa said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
Wow , you're in a foul mood tonight aren't you .
Press on my profile , add me as foe , then all your problems are solved .

Why would i do that, id sooner tell you you straight.

You talk a lot of sense most of the time and like ive said, your one of the few that is welcome on here and you contribute.

However you came on tonight trying to be clever, and when challenged you havnt got the balls to admit it.

That is my problem.

Will you two kiss and make up please? Chill out Blueinsa, just a bit of harmless leg pulling about a meaningless friendly mate. Hardly worth getting all hot and bothered about imo.
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